As workers shouted their grievances to journalists at the gate, police kept their distance.
We shouted the shopworn protest chants that feel so meaningful when you're chanting them.
And I shouted that I thought it was the line with all the women in it.
Another man who appeared to be a teacher held his arm up and shouted, "5th graders!"
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When it got to the part where it appeared the punch landed, Tejada shouted, "Boom!"
This angered Mr. Hamidzai, who shouted at Mr. Zakhilwal from across the parliament floor.
He then shouted and swore into TV cameras and may face action from Uefa.
One man shouted, "We love you Michael" as people around him smiled and cheered.
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Flocks of tourists were collecting their baggage while a guide shouted to gather them for check-in.
As the Mother Crow mask was sold, one protester shouted: "These are sacred things!"
She flashed me a proud grin over her shoulder and shouted back in midair.
Mr Parrington described how Miss Nield, first tried to free herself and then shouted for help.
Loyalist supporters cheered loudly and shouted "No surrender" as the parade moved past the church.
And when the Guatemalan flag went by, all the kids of Guatemalan heritage shouted out.
When the bail announcement was made, members of Mr. Pistorius's family shouted in approval.
Authorities now allege that the thugs who beat Luis shouted racial and ethnic epithets.
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But at the entrance to the protest camp several passing locals shouted support from their cars.
Peterson shouted, leaning into a courtroom microphone and emphasizing each of the five words.
But hiphop and rap were flourishing, angry lyrics being shouted out of Magnolia and St.
He shouted over to a co-worker who was busy showing the line to an out-of-town buyer.
Burkholder shouted as the weight carried the baited line deep into the water.
Truck engines spluttered to life, men shouted, grease-blackened hands waved instructions to drivers.
Day in and day out millions of women are whistled at or shouted at on public streets.
She shouted out a name like Diana or Deanna, something that could also have been an invocation.
Outside the railway station, police shouted in megaphones, telling people where they could get free rice porridge.
As Kardashian left the building, the cameras flashed and paparazzi shouted for her to look their way.
The court heard Mr Fong was behind the counter at the premises Elrick entered and shouted "robbery".
He shouted with glee back home listening to Hoyas radio play-by-play man Rich Chvotkin call the action.
So when the Haitian flag went by, all the Haitian kids -- Haitian American kids shouted out.
To be fair, the exact words were shouted at the next model who posed in the sand.