And even though the restaurant business is relatively paltry relative to the size of the debt, and relatively risky, the fact that it also owns this giant oil field means when push comes to shove it can pay off the debt by turning on the oil spigot.
More hard work on the end boards led to the goal as Grabner fought off Martin and managed to shove the puck out front to Aucoin, who quickly sent a pass across the crease from the left post to the right, where McDonald was left unchecked.
But slumping oil prices have triggered speculation against the Norwegian krone and the bank is having to shove up interest rates in an effort to fend off a feared burst of inflation.
The anti-TARP backlash and populism will be far greater in Germany than in the U.K. and U.S. The U.S. and U.K. backed off from a FTT when push came to shove, but Germany may not.