"This is panic shopping, so bread, milk, a snow shovel in case our snow shovel breaks, " she said.
While teenagers and women shovel in a third of a pound of cheese curds, men are expected to consume half a pound.
According to a 1996 study in the American Journal of Cardiology, many people shovel in the early morning, when the risk for heart attacks is higher.
CNN: Shoveling snow? How to protect your back (and your heart)
The New York Times and the McClatchy Company, two of the biggest newspaper companies, beat expectations with their third quarter earnings but fueled concern over their capacity to shovel in ad dollars.
FORBES: Online Ad Spending Exceeds Print, Hitting $25.8 Billion
Oberon shouted at him, but by the time Titania entered the room, warned by Radish that Oberon was about to beat the changeling, Oberon had joined him in the game, putting a toy shovel in his teeth.
K. Subban was off after his stick clipped Mark Pysyk and, with two seconds left in the man advantage, Ott was at the doorstep to shovel in a rebound and give Buffalo its second win in eight games.
Tests completed in the last week have shown that the researchers have been able to literally shovel in to such a reactor a wide range of mixed plastics which can then be reduced down to useful products many of which can then be retrieved by simple distillation.
Land-grabbers who rented government plots illegally to fly-by-night shops, taking money that belonged to the city. (Mr Hamidi would burst into such places with shovel in hand, pushing people aside, shouting at them to clear their rubbish away.) And, over all these, the swaggering local powerbrokers who demanded their share of the opium trade, the military contracts and the building projects, like boys fighting for candy at a wedding.
There was the sound of metal striking metal, sparks flew and the handle of the shovel bent in my hands.
This is the kind of company that needs to put the pedal to the medal and find ways to use their know how to deliver higher earnings, not one that should be in a hurry to shovel more cash out the door in dividend payouts.
FORBES: Apple Should Plow Cash Back Into Growth, Not Shovel It Out To Shareholders
Problems included a penchant for picking up dirt and fingerprints (the price you pay for a beautiful glossy face, we suppose), a cramped nav key layout with the tricky touch-sensitive Navi Wheel front and center, audio performance that wasn't bad but was expected to be far better in light of the dedicated DSP, and a "shovel"-like feel in the hand, a symptom of the phone's generous dimensions.
ENGADGET: Nokia N96 gets in-depth review months ahead of release
"The holiday season is no longer black Friday or bust, " he wrote, "it's really becoming Black November" as retailers shovel out deep discounts in anticipation of black Friday.
The leaders of the Jarbidge Shovel Brigade, which in 2000 used volunteer muscle power to move a boulder and reopen a wilderness road near Elko, Nevada, rallied to Tombstone's side.
CNN: Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war
What credit rating would Scotland have if were independent, with John Swinney going to the money markets to borrow for investment in all those shovel-ready projects?
This was how we spoke of the local people: they were souls, they were transient spirits, a face in the window of a passing car, runny with reflected light, or a long street with a shovel jutting from a snowbank, no one in sight.
The court heard how the two defendants drove Mr Skrinskas and Ms Jozenaite to Mr Aleksiunas's mother's house, where a shovel was taken from the property and placed in the boot of the car.
Pick up your shovel, bring some compost and come meet me in the garden.
He was helping his father shovel snow and took a break to warm up in a car.
Investing in the growth of smartphones in China is a case of buying the shovel makers but not the mine.
FORBES: Year Of The Snake Investment Guide: Bigger TV Screens, Data Bulge Ahead
The stimulus bill states that for a project to be considered shovel-ready, it must be ready to begin in 90 days.
The priority on shovel-ready projects means much of the infrastructure funding in the stimulus will be spent on the decidedly unglamorous work of fixing roofs, widening roads and repairing bridges.
Nina Walker, of Woburn in suburban Boston, said she had to shovel about 8 inches of snow off her driveway before driving to Boston's South Station to take a train to New York.
The first ad popped up in September 1994, and media companies raced to shovel their print and broadcast properties into new on-line venues.
While using a shovel to push branches into a wood chipper, he was pulled in and killed.
One example of a shovel-ready project is the Gallows Road-Lee Highway intersection in the notoriously traffic-clogged suburbs of Northern Virginia outside Washington, D.
When the lead crew reached the circular crater that had been gouged in the dirt spur the day before by a steam shovel, the foreman blew on a whistle.
Bush frantically tried to rescue his brother, by standing in the hole and digging at the rubble with a shovel until police arrived and pulled him out, saying the floor was still collapsing.
Bush frantically tried to rescue his brother, Jeff Bush, by standing in the hole and digging at the rubble with a shovel until police arrived and pulled him out, saying the floor was still collapsing.
CNN: A loud crash, then nothing: Sinkhole swallows Florida man
And a lot of the so-called shovel-ready projects will actually -- probably see them taper off in the spring.