The question is, how can India and Pakistan do more than show willing?
But it is still up to Iraq, not the council, to show willing if sanctions are to start being lifted.
This political shift may well have helped to persuade Mr Clinton and Vice-President Al Gore that it was time to show willing, despite the Pentagon's reservations.
"I think it does show he is willing to listen, " said Mr Kent.
BBC: Bristol City Council budget: Job cuts and council tax rise
So a real reach out effort by the White House to at least show the president willing to work with the other party.
It is now up to the media owners to show they are willing to take up the challenge of creating this new self-regulatory model.
With so many commuters owning smartphones, it does show you are willing to discuss problems and issues that are bound to arise with a train network.
The U.S. position, shared with South Korea, has been that Pyongyang must first show it is willing to take concrete steps toward a suspension of its nuclear program before those talks can resume.
He had the freedom to stay up in a three-pronged attack and less responsibility to defend, although he did show he is willing to get stuck in and a couple of times he found himself in the left-back role.
Yet consumers have always been willing to show some leg in exchange for convenience.
As an added perk, those willing to show their W9 will receive one of these fun cocktails free.
Both have sought in recent days to show they're willing to reach across party lines, as Mr. Obama did Monday.
If your startup wants consumers to entrust you with their nest eggs, you ought to be willing to show your face too.
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The government said it would not enter negotiations unless the ELN was willing to show "acts of peace" rather than just words.
Furthermore, the rebound in sales after all the bad press does show that consumers are willing to buy Toyotas if the price is right.
Companies who want to retain their top talent need to be willing to show them appreciation, compensate them well, and treat them with the respect they deserve.
Unless they are required to disclose their performance, like mutual fund managers, or are willing to show me their trading history, it is an exercise in exaggeration.
Many were confused about how the game was possibly going to be released by the end of the year when Bungie was barely willing to show gameplay footage today.
The first is that if you are going to use documents to support your position you have to hang on to them and be willing to show them to people, like IRS agents and the Tax Court.
And as the club begins the playoffs in pursuit of its second World Series appearance in three years, machinations in the secondary ticket market show few locals are willing to fork over the kind of money for seats that fans in other playoff markets are.
He should be willing to show up before a group of pro-gun Americans in the heart of rural America and make his case with respect for the traditions of those who would disagree with him and a strong argument as to why his ideas are important to the nation.
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That will show if trade unions are willing to be more responsible about exploiting their power.
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The newest polling, therefore, may simply show an increase in those willing to say the word.
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Opinion polls show that Japanese are increasingly willing to accept a female head-of-state.
The deals show that foreign companies are willing to invest in consumer-oriented Indian companies despite regulatory headaches and a slowing economy.
" But he said Afghans need to show that they are "willing to make the commitment to build their capacity to secure their own country.
CNN: Report: U.S. general calls for more troops in Afghanistan
But there is certainly a sense that teams are less willing to simply show up and try to grind out results the way they might in a longer league format or in the knockout phase.
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Polls show that though the public is willing to wait the process out, the virtue of patience would seem to be evenly divided.
"The show runners that I know are willing to charge into the barricades over and over again, and you have to be willing to get back up again, " Moore said.
As he boarded a plane in the Colombian capital, Bogota, chief government negotiator Humberto de la Calle said it was time for the rebels to show whether they were really "willing to reach concrete and realistic agreements".