Prices have shot up, markets have shrivelled, unemployment has risen, salaries are going unpaid.
Sharp-eyed visitors have since spotted the shrivelled gift lying on the minister's otherwise tidy desk.
Credit has dried up, effective demand has shrivelled, the housebuilders are going bust.
Peru's electorate is notoriously unpredictable, and especially so since the country's traditional political parties have shrivelled to almost nothing.
His belief in Adam Smith withstood tests that would have shrivelled fainter souls.
But with their retirement accounts shrivelled, and cleaning up crime scenes apparently a growth industry, some may not make the trip.
Mr Ozawa could soon find himself presiding over a party that has shrivelled to barely a third of its original size.
In the past decade, the gap between left and right has shrivelled.
Its murder rate has shrivelled, and its most violent cities now have homicide rates far less than that of the District of Columbia, where I live.
She wanted to dig down to the raw shame of this failure in Hilda, this thing inside her, poisoning everything, cut off and spoiled and shrivelled up.
But their scepticism shrivelled him, as did their chilly inhibitions.
They can't simply borrow it in an unsecured way from other banks, as they used to do, because that unsecured banking market shrivelled in the credit crunch of 2007-8.
It supposes that the universe contains 11 dimensions: the four familiar ones of time and space, plus seven that have shrivelled up and become inaccessible since the Big Bang.
He seems oddly at home in these whittled-down conditions, whereas the rest of the actors, through no fault of their own, never look as shrivelled by hunger as they should.
Also, RBS is less dependent than it was on fickle short term wholesale funding, whose availability shrivelled in 2007-8 and put RBS into the intensive care of financial support by taxpayers.
Most private-sector employees have defined-contribution plans, which determine how much employers and employees pay in but not how much pensioners will get out, and which have shrivelled with the stockmarket since 2008.
Meanwhile other local media outlets have shrivelled.
ECONOMIST: The unexpected rise of amateur radio broadcasting