In early clinical trials all of these new remedies have shrunk or destroyed tumors that otherwise resist taxanes.
It followed news that the economies of Germany, France and Italy had all shrunk by more than expected.
The company shrunk the Asian and European editions of Journal into tabloids in 2005.
On the left, changing economic and social structures have shrunk the old working class.
Attendance has shrunk, as have television audiences and the value of the sport's leading teams.
It also increased the percentage of patients whose tumors shrunk to 59% from 43%.
By March his tumors had shrunk 25%, and by early 2006 they were gone.
The public sector's once huge share in industry and commerce has shrunk to about 12% today.
At first, the ONS shocked everyone by declaring that the economy had shrunk by 0.4%.
The number of vendors selling live chickens has shrunk to around 100 from over 800.
Its schools' student body has shrunk by more than 200 students in the past five years.
Since then it has shrunk dramatically, being home to merely 8.4 million people today.
Not only has it shrunk in size but also in importance and in influence.
The tally so far looks grim: Revenue has shrunk 2.4 percent compared with last year.
Regulations like the CARD Act and Durbin Amendment have dramatically shrunk the revenue from those activities.
Cleveland shrunk more between the last two censuses than every metro except post-Katrina New Orleans.
FORBES: What Business Can Learn From Cleveland Clinic: How To Report Quality To The Public
Revenues grew for the Horsham, Pennsylvania company as delivery units increased and cancellations shrunk.
In a similar trial, years ago, Avastin had shrunk tumors in 9% of patients.
Its balance sheets have shrunk by several hundred billion dollars since its year-end highs.
The hedge-fund industry has already shrunk significantly in the wake of the financial crisis.
ECONOMIST: A wrongheaded fund-management directive from Brussels
The market has shrunk as baby boomers have aged and migrated to crossover utilities.
The 2010 census showed that Chicago had shrunk by 200, 000 people in the past decade.
The iPhone lead had shrunk from twelve points of market share down to two.
The first quarter of last year the economy shrunk by over 6 percent -- 6.4 percent.
Steel is stretched and shrunk using planishing hammers, jig mills and Yoder roll-forming machines.
But it does affect channel suppliers, because the number of buyers for their programmes has shrunk.
Since the autumn of 2010 the UK has shrunk in three quarters and grown in two.
It's easy to forget, the first quarter of last year, this economy shrunk over 6 percent.
The squabbling management committee will be shrunk and the most disruptive members thrown out.
Prosecutors have argued the crime scene gloves didn't appear to fit Simpson because they'd shrunk.