How can your company gather the courage to zig while the rest of the herd zags, so you can get some shut eye by the time the next Black Friday rolls around?
Astronauts generally get about six hours of shut-eye in orbit despite being allowed 8.5.
We arrived here very early in the morning, and the Marines got a little bit of shut-eye.
The most common sleep problems in children are difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep and overall insufficient shut-eye.
Likewise, when it's time to get some shut-eye, a warm red tone that promotes sleep can be dialled in.
Far from being bland and medicinal, the interior of the bus features a flat-screen TV, a lounge area and four private bunks to get a few more minutes of shut-eye.
So you need to sleep to maintain your sanity, your health and to perform at your best, and the following practices have worked for me when it comes to getting some much-needed shut-eye.
FORBES: Sleepless In The Big City: Why Leaders Are So Tired (and what can they do about it)
I'd get seven hours of shut-eye a night because a six-year, large-scale population study of sleep done at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine associated it with the lowest death rate among adults.
The eye swelled shut immediately so I couldn't see anything and it was numb.
And to top it off, he was battling an infection that kept his right eye half-shut throughout the game.
During 2011 and most of 2012 I flew at least twice a week, always with an interested eye to how passengers treated the shut-down directive.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Devices on planes -- either enforce the rules or change them
Over the weekend, we were treated to a smorgasbord of self-justification from Herman Cain and Jerry Sandusky, who, as they spiral downward and hopefully out of the public eye, seem unable to just shut up.
Dr Rigby shut the site down for the season on August 15th, but left some local volunteers to keep an eye on it.