Strangers lent cell phones, moms held other moms' babies so they could have a break, passengers gave a hand to the elderly to ensure they got up and down the stairs safely and guys were ready and willing to lift wheelchairs of sick children up and down the stairs, as my friend Nick Burge did.
Or, conversely, if it turns out that too many people sign up only when they get sick, or sign up for a few months at a time then drop their policy, companies won't be able to break even.
That people are sick and fed up of politicians promising goodies - with no discernible source of funding.
First, the eldest Frankel daughter got sick and ended up in the hospital.
So Chris' insurer can't raise his rates if he gets sick or jack up his premiums too much as he gets older.
Whether banks lent the money handed them by the feds, traded the funds in the marketplace, or simply used it to shore up sick balance sheets, was ultimately not the point.
Thirty-six-year-old Nneka Green-Ingram, a former sailor who has a coveted general vendor license, got sick of setting up shop along a sidewalk on 125th Street in Harlem where she operated for about four years.
Outside the cluster of cinder block structures that make up Kano's Infectious Diseases Hospital, hundreds of sick children are lined up, awaiting treatment from Doctors Without Borders, the nonprofit group, which has set up a tent on hospital grounds.
The focus now, he said on March 18th, should be on giving the government the tools to prevent a repeat: resolution authority over non-banks, similar to the power the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has to shake up sick banks.
The man I met more than 20 years ago is a man who helped introduce me to my Christian faith, a man who spoke to me about our obligations to love one another, to care for the sick and lift up the poor.
On this issue of mandates, those who don't, whether it's 10 million or 15 million, those who could afford it but don't wind up buying health insurance for one reason or another, they wind up getting sick, they go to an emergency room, all of us wind up paying for their health care.
CNN: Transcript of Thursday's Democratic presidential debate
And if not, what happens if they get sick and they wind up in emergency rooms?
Unidentified Woman: (Through translator) Here in Perez de Leon they're incapable of even stitching up a sick person.
In Madrid, they both got sick, and ended up watching the first season of the show in bed.
Another concern is that private insurers will be reluctant to provide drug-only cover for fear that only the very sick will take it up.
Who would be so sick as to make up a person just to have them die to intentionally hurt and most publicly embarrass this model of a student-athlete?
"We had a couple of kids who got sick, who started throwing up, " he said.
And it's true that some people could game the system by just waiting until they get sick and then they show up.
You might wake up and be sick.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the First Lady at a Campaign Event -- Racine, WI
Officials are urging residents to check up on elderly or sick neighbours.
Risk pools would be overloaded with sick people whose claims would drive up premiums for everyone, forcing out more and more healthy buyers.
"The odor is so bad, people are getting sick and they're throwing up everywhere, " said Brent Nutt, whose wife is aboard the ship.
"The odor is so bad, people are getting sick and they're throwing up everywhere, " Brent Nutt, whose wife is aboard the ship, said Tuesday.
So if you wake up on Election Day and you're sick, the car broke down, there's no babysitter, somebody is throwing up, wake up with an ear infection -- this is that time of year.
Unfortunately, the hospital has another policy that causes nurses to be written up if they call in sick.
Scene Partner 3: She drank too much coffee today because she was up all night with a sick child .
FORBES: Heeeere Cliffy-Cliffy-Cliffy: Bring on the Fiscal Cliff!
That is, up until the woman was sick all over Connor's boss.
They could deny treatment for specific conditions, especially right after a policy is purchased, to dissuade people from signing up only once they get sick.
Up all night with a sick baby and you rest your eyes for just a moment on the way to dropping off the kids at school.