In broad brush strokes: was Professor Longley asked to use all his knowledge and expertise to siftthroughtheevidence and come to a conclusion about whether change was needed in the NHS (with a tacit acceptance on all sides that the answer was pretty much bound to be yes) and suggest what those changes should be?
As they siftthroughevidence, investigators have cordoned off the area around the bungalow, which is in an open area of Playa Encantada that has limited security in Playa Encantada.
"Our officers had to siftthrough a large volume of information and undertake interviews and recover evidence from across the UK and a number of other jurisdictions around the world, " he said.
Investigators have also cordoned off the area surrounding the bungalow, located in an open area with limited security in Playa Encantada, as they siftthroughevidence.