The US imposed economic and military sanctions on India (and Pakistan) when it carried out its nuclear test in May 1998, and has since pressed both countries to sign the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty - but to no avail.
BBC: The US and India: Moving closer
Technically, a high yield test would be self-evidently a sign of national strength.
BBC: Analysis: What is driving North Korea's nuclear test plan?
Washington has been pushing to get both countries to freeze their respective nuclear programs and sign two treaties: the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.
In a wide-ranging speech, she stated that she believed that the US would sign up to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, which forbids the testing of nuclear weapons.
BBC: Albright marries science and diplomacy
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The link-up means Redding and his new team-mate Mika Kallio have already been able to test next year's bike and in a sign of the team's respect for Redding he was involved in the process.
BBC: Scott Redding set to test Suter MotoGP bike