• Earlier this year, Russia, France, Britain and the U.S. promised to sign a treaty banning nuclear testing sometime next year.

    CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek

  • Rushing to sign a treaty in the knowledge that it will be ruled illegal once the court ruling is finalised in the spring is questionable in itself.

    ECONOMIST: Airlines

  • She will be in Prague on Tuesday to sign a treaty with the Czech government to allow the radar for the missile system to be placed there.

    CNN: Poland firm on U.S. missile defense opposition

  • We look forward to a successful conclusion of these negotiations so that we can join with the other nations involved to sign a treaty in Ottawa in December.

    CNN: AllPolitics - The U.S. And Land Mines

  • The summit offered a reassurance to the 10 candidate countries (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Cyprus, Malta, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) that they should be able to finish negotiations by the end of the year, sign a Treaty of Accession in 2003 and join in 2004.

    BBC: Seville summit - what did it achieve?

  • Nehru agreed, and so did the outgoing British Viceroy, Lord Louis Mountbatten. (A pragmatist, Mountbatten noted that Kashmir was more closely linked, through religion and geography, to Pakistan than India.) As a result, the maharajah was asked to sign only a treaty of temporary accession to India.


  • If all 27 EU members were asked to sign a new treaty, Mr Cameron said the UK would expect to "get a price" in return.

    BBC: Boris Johnson adds to Tory EU referendum pressure on PM

  • Analysts believe this trend could help reduce tensions between the two sides, which have yet to sign a peace treaty.

    BBC: Historic Taiwan-China trade deal takes effect

  • That operation expanded to an Israeli attempt to install a pro-western government that was willing to sign a peace treaty with Israel.

    NPR: Echoes of Israel's Occupation of Lebanon

  • Sadat and Begin had the vision and the foresight to sign a peace treaty that put an end to wars between the two countries.

    BBC: 1981: 'Still mourning President Sadat'

  • In return for everything we want from Iran, India would sign a defense treaty with Iran similar to the one between the United States and Japan.

    FORBES: A Completely Unrealistic Iran Grand Bargain Proposal

  • Clinton said before traveling to Asia last week that if North Korea moved ahead with denuclearization, the United States would be prepared to normalize relations and sign a peace treaty on the Korean Peninsula.

    CNN: U.S. envoy for North Korea may visit Pyongyang

  • And at a regional trade summit in Vladivostok this month, Japan attempted to improve relations with Russia, a neighbour with whom it has yet to sign a peace treaty ending the second world war.

    ECONOMIST: Japan��s energy security

  • What most concerns Netanyahu these days is that the US will fail to block a Palestinian bid to have the Security Council recognize a Palestinian state in all of Judea and Samaria and in large swathes of Jerusalem even if the Palestinians refuse to sign a peace treaty with Israel.


  • The force is expected to leave for Bosnia after Balkan leaders sign a formal peace treaty in Paris on December 14.

    CNN: NATO approves initial Bosnia force

  • The UK, like several other countries, refused to sign a proposed UN treaty regarding wide-ranging changes to internet governance at a conference in Dubai last month.

    BBC: Technology

  • Hatfill identified his accuser as Barbara Hatch Rosenberg, a woman he said he has never met but with whom he disagrees over whether the United States should sign a biological weapons treaty.

    CNN: Scientist under scrutiny denies anthrax link

  • But two other senior Conservatives - Northern Ireland Secretary Owen Patterson and Mayor of London Boris Johnson - also suggested there might have to be a referendum, if a new eurozone bloc was created, or the UK was asked to sign up to a new EU treaty involving all 27 member states.

    BBC: David Cameron would not hesitate to veto 'bad EU deal'

  • His concern - that the UK Government's decision not to sign up to a new European treaty could fuel the independence movement in Scotland.

    BBC: Preparing for the crunch ahead

  • The upswing is likely to come not only from American investors, but also from those in Europe and Asia who regard the treaty as a sign of stability.

    ECONOMIST: Central America

  • Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and Mr Putin - who also met on Friday - agreed to boost joint work on energy projects, and reaffirmed the need to sign a post-World War II peace treaty.

    BBC: Putin rallies divided world leaders

  • "I take Mr Cameron's letter - after his decision not to join the treaty - as a sign that he doesn't want to get left behind and I'm delighted by that, because we need the British in Europe... perhaps not always!"

    BBC: EU fiscal summit: Hope comes to the eurozone

  • Late last year, the United States led a coalition of countries that refused to sign an International Telecommunications Regulations treaty because it proposed regulations that many Western countries considered to be a threat to the open Internet.

    FORBES: Dealing with Spam and Cyberattacks: Control Vs. Openness

  • His decision, in 2005, to press for international acceptance of India's civil nuclear programme, ending a ban on foreign assistance imposed because of India's refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, was meant to usher in a new era of co-operation and trust.

    ECONOMIST: America and India try to define a new sort of relationship

  • Over the weekend, U.S. officials informed allies negotiating a Canada-sponsored treaty to ban land mines that it was willing to sign it and drop a previous demand that a Korean Peninsula exemption be written into the document.

    CNN: U.S. agrees to soften stance on land-mine ban

  • But here is the tricky part: if language along those lines would give Mr Klaus what he wants, should other EU leaders give it to him without a promise that he will immediately sign the Lisbon Treaty?

    ECONOMIST: European politics

  • In return Mr Cameron reportedly agreed that the UK will sign up to German proposals for a "narrow" amendment to the Lisbon Treaty to put the eurozone's fiscal rules on a legal basis and introduce automatic sanctions for any of the 17 single currency states which breached them.

    BBC: UK 'seeks working time rules deal' over treaty talks

  • Foreign Relations Committee Chairman John Kerry is said to be contemplating a renewed push for the LOST Treaty that Ronald Reagan refused to sign, with hearings taking place perhaps as early as the first quarter of 2012.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

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