When his bosses demanded he sign an agreement not to compete, he did the opposite.
Would you sign an agreement not to sue in exchange for a severance package?
Turkey and Armenia are expected soon to sign an agreement, after months of Swiss-sponsored talks in Bern.
ECONOMIST: Turkey and Barack Obama: Friends by the Bosporus | The
India's prime minister was in Tokyo this week to sign an agreement to boost (currently puny) bilateral trade.
ECONOMIST: Little is expected of Barack Obama��s visit to India
Under the new regulations, civilian lawyers are required to sign an agreement to abide by the new tribunal rules.
Only when Ford's "great believer, " his wife, Clara, threatens to leave does he sign an agreement with the United Auto Workers union.
Selected participants are further required to sign an agreement promising not to campaign for a least a year after appearing on Survivor.
Let us sign an agreement, a final agreement, for peace, and put an end to a very long period of struggle forever.
Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man have announced plans to sign an agreement aimed at preventing tax evasion by US citizens.
BBC: Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man to sign US tax deal
"The ITF is about to sign an agreement with the World Anti Doping Agency, " Bimes told a news conference at Roland-Garros on Monday.
To win NASA's approval, Tito had to sign an agreement that he would not wander through American segments of the station without an escort.
In Shanghai, Irina Bokova will also sign an agreement on the establishment of an International Research and Training Center for Science and Technology Strategy (Category 2).
An attorney can help ensure that if the employee does sign an agreement, it provides more than any severance payment the worker was already entitled to.
FORBES: The Top Ten Reasons to Hire a Lawyer to Review Your Severance Agreement
He'll make a short visit to Pakistan and spend a couple of days in India where he may sign an agreement dealing with the country's nuclear program.
Mr Salmond said he was "hopeful" that he and Mr Cameron would be able to sign an agreement next week - but stressed the deal was not yet completely done.
BBC: Scottish independence: Meeting set to seal referendum deal - BBC News
Separate from the conference, Clinton will meet Friday afternoon with Peruvian President Alan Garcia in Lima to sign an agreement between Peru's Health Ministry and the William J.
American Express Financial Advisors also requires every financial planner to sign an agreement that he or she will not solicit his or her American Express clients for one year after leaving.
The famed Braulio Carillo National Park, near Costa Rica's capital city, served as a backdrop for Clinton and President Jose Figueres to sign an agreement to share environmental technology.
"I think he signed a pre-contract with Real Madrid, but I can't imagine Real Madrid will make him sign an agreement or there will be a problem in law, " he told Al-Jazeera.
Mr Hammond is in Afghanistan and is due to sign an agreement in Afghanistan today to set up a British run military academy there that has been called "Sandhurst in the Sand".
The policy states that financial advisors have to sign an agreement that forces them to go on a 60-day reduced-pay leave if they ever plan to resign, according to a Bloomberg report.
"When you sign an agreement, you have to actually roll out the cards to the consumer in the market, and then you have to get the consumer to use those cards, " she said.
Since 1950, the Academy has required Oscar winners to sign an agreement stipulating that neither they--nor their heirs--will sell their statuettes without first offering to sell them back to the Academy for a buck.
The government of Israel and UNESCO will sign an agreement to reinforce their cooperation in developing and promoting Holocaust education and combating denial of the mass murder of Jews and other groups in World War II.
At question time on 31 March 2011, Mr Cable emphasised that institutions would need to sign an agreement with the Office for Fair Access before being allowed to set fee limits under the new funding arrangements, which begin in 2012.
In a cavernous sweltering hall on the former Howard U.S. Air Force Base, all of Panama's ministers and President Martin Torrijos gathered to sign an agreement to construct what will become one of the largest development projects in the country's history.
The justices expressed strong skepticism about the central premise of the case, which is that antitrust lawsuits are so expensive to bring that Amex effectively precluded them by requiring merchants to sign an agreement requiring them to settle all disputes in arbitration.
FORBES: Will An Italian Restaurant End The Class Action As We Know It?
The El Segundo-based company is accusing the toy retailing giant of wooing Fuhu to sign an agreement to sell the Nabi exclusively through its 1, 600 stores and Web site last Christmas, using promises of millions of dollars in marketing and merchadising incentives as inducement.
FORBES: Fuhu, The Maker of Kids' Tablet Nabi, Sues Toys "R" Us