Only when Ford's "great believer, " his wife, Clara, threatens to leave does he sign an agreement with the United Auto Workers union.
"The ITF is about to sign an agreement with the World Anti Doping Agency, " Bimes told a news conference at Roland-Garros on Monday.
Pakistan immediately contested the accession, suggesting that it was fraudulent, that the Maharaja acted under duress and that he had no right to sign an agreement with India when the standstill agreement with Pakistan was still in force.
At question time on 31 March 2011, Mr Cable emphasised that institutions would need to sign an agreement with the Office for Fair Access before being allowed to set fee limits under the new funding arrangements, which begin in 2012.
The US has had a year-long conversation to sign an armistice agreement with North Korea.
He'll make a short visit to Pakistan and spend a couple of days in India where he may sign an agreement dealing with the country's nuclear program.
Kim Yong Nam also led a delegation to Syria in 2002 to sign an agreement for scientific cooperation with President Bashar al-Assad's government, according to Syrian state media.
Dow Agro will likely sign an exclusive commercial licensing agreement with Sangamo between now and October, paying it royalties on sales of products developed using zinc finger proteins.
If you sign an arbitration agreement, you still have rights with governmental agencies.
FORBES: How Many Arbitrators Should Dance on the Head of the Pin?
Stornoway also is expected in the second-quarter to sign an impact and benefits agreement (IBA) with the Cree community of Mistissini as well as the Cree Grand Council.
FORBES: Plan Nord: Quebec's First Diamond Mine "Getting Their Ducks In A Row" In 2012
The Russian government has abandoned an agreement with the US on fighting crime and the drugs trade, in an apparent sign of worsening relations.
Emirates has an agreement with Real Madrid to advertise on its sign boards at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, as well as some hospitality rights.
With DocuSign, parties to an agreement can sign any document from any location on any device.
Separate from the conference, Clinton will meet Friday afternoon with Peruvian President Alan Garcia in Lima to sign an agreement between Peru's Health Ministry and the William J.
We have an agreement with Anelka for five months with the possibility to sign a further deal if agreeable to both parties.
Calling the 50-year-old United States security alliance with Japan "unshakable, " Clinton said she will sign an agreement to move 8, 000 U.S. troops from Okinawa to the island of Guam.
President Obama traveled to Afghanistan today to sign an historic Strategic Partnership Agreement between the United States and Afghanistan, as well as to visit with our troops and to thank them for their service.
"I think he signed a pre-contract with Real Madrid, but I can't imagine Real Madrid will make him sign an agreement or there will be a problem in law, " he told Al-Jazeera.
The drawn-out process of finding a new director-general for the World Trade Organisation dissolved into farce, with the departure of Renato Ruggiero at the end of his term and no sign of an agreement on his replacement.
The deadline, set by negotiators trying to pull together an agreement with the federal government, states, and five major banks, is the latest sign that the finish line is in sight for what has been a bruising, yearlong haul.