In the business of shipping dry-bulk cargoes, mostly iron ore, coal and grain, there is not even the hint of a silver lining to the cloud.
But despite that sobering reality, despite all the naysayers in Washington, who are always looking for the cloud in every silver lining, the fact is our economy is growing again.
The silver lining of this cloud is that cheaper Asian imports into rich economies will help to hold down the latter's inflation rates.
There was some unexpected good news from its media division, but the cloud inside that silver lining was that the better-than-expected results were a direct reflection of the direr-than-expected global economy.
The Labor Department did report a surprising drop in jobless benefits last week, but the cloud inside that silver lining was that the number of people continuing to claim benefits hit a 26-year high.
Roberts alone finds hints of desperation and regret, although, in the end, she, too, is obliged to forget the cloud and join the silver lining.
The silver lining in this carbon-filled cloud is that executives at firms such as Gap are using technology to cut the number of trips they make in order to save money.
If the cloud has a silver lining, it is that other drug firms have managed to survive litigation of this kind.
Recently, however, optimism has been doing rather well, if only of the cloud-and-silver-lining sort.
If every cloud has a silver lining, then the bright side of the Great Recession may be fewer people dying from on-the-job injuries.
"I think the hate groups are desperately looking for a silver lining in a very dark cloud for them, " Potok said.
CNN: White supremacists watched in lead up to Obama administration
The cloud hanging over Japan's stockmarkets does have a silver lining, however.
If there was a cloud to Frankel's silver lining it was that Cecil, who has masterminded the horse's career to perfection, could not be at Goodwood to enjoy his colt's success.
But every silver lining has a cloud and criticism of Sri Lanka having played too many one-day matches has been aimed at the board and Whatmore.