Faced with these deals, Amazon has reportedly agreed similar terms with several big publishers.
ECONOMIST: The future of publishing: E-publish or perish | The
Johnson's reply, in 2003, was couched in similar terms to those he used about the course changes.
Sheriff Michael Fletcher noted Hadden had a criminal record including a previous breach of bail on similar terms.
The agreement for .name domain is up for renewal soon and similar terms are expected in the new agreement.
FORBES: VeriSign's Future Looks Stable with .com and.net Registries in the Bag
As used herein, "Amazon.com, " "we, " "our" and similar terms include Amazon.com, Inc.
The official Conservative line is that there will be no deal with UKIP and party leader Nigel Farage has spoken in similar terms.
It is no coincidence that mining and energy firms are active in health: they are, after all, used to thinking about the environment in similar terms.
Google agreed to accept restrictions on how it enforces cell phone patents it acquired through its purchase of Motorola: both Microsoft and Apple agreed to abide to similar terms last year.
Without registration, the trademark owner must first prove to a court that it indeed owns an exclusive right to use a trademark in order to prohibit use of confusingly similar terms by others.
FORBES: Gang Green: Rules Are Tightening. Don't Say Green If You Don't Mean Green.
And one of the greatest testaments to his life and his work, I think, was that so many of his colleagues, past and present, Republican and Democrats, came forward to honor him in similar terms.
It has commissioned five European universities to compile tables which compare institutions that are similar in terms of their missions and structures.
"It seems to be very similar in terms of the dynamic to the event that took place last November in that the routes to the Syrian internet were withdrawn very suddenly and all together, almost like a switch being thrown, " he said.
Even when such guarantees are not explicitly given, the profound transformation of the land and the heavy investments made by the concessionaire are such that the host government often has no option but to keep the land in the hands of the concessionaire or transfer it to another investor under similar contractual terms.
This week they rebuffed a tentative offer from the Barclays to buy them out on terms similar to those offered to Lord Black.
And you realize how similar people are in terms of what they want and their needs.
FORBES: The Forbes 400 Summit: Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and the Greatest Roundtable of All Time
The substance of the search terms appears similar, but it is possible that database output would differ.
FORBES: Guest Post: After an Unprecedented Request for a Retraction, A Close Look at the Data
The government wants to introduce standards for credit-card costs, access and terms, similar to those it has established for mortgage-providers.
"What microwave radiation does in most simplistic terms is similar to what happens to food in microwaves, essentially cooking the brain, " Black said.
Mr Hirsch says there was a similar change in lending terms before the meltdown of 1998, though even then lenders earned much wider spreads.
While those deal terms are similar to Apple's pact with publishers, these people say, magazine executives believe that the competition could eventually lead to more favorable terms.
WSJ: Magazine Publishers Reach Deals With Amazon's Kindle Fire
"The Gore people find themselves in a situation similar to us in terms of the electoral map, " says Tony Fabrizio, the chief strategist for GOP nominee Bob Dole in 1996.
CNN: latimes.com: Conventions to fill in portraits of Gore, Bush
You can identify these statements by the fact that they use words such as "anticipate, " "estimate, " "expect, " "project, " "intend, " "should, " "plan, " "goal, " "believe, " and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion of future operating or financial performance.
ENGADGET: Mad Catz gears up for Gears of War with branded audio gear... gear.
Incentive stock options are similar to nonstatutory options in terms of form and structure.
Tencent Weibo is very similar to Sina Weibo in terms of functionality and demographics, and has about 200-250 million users.
FORBES: 5 Things You Need To Know About Chinese Social Media
The terms are very similar to the agreement Nokia secured with Apple and include a one-time settlement fee plus ongoing payments.
FORBES: Apple and Research In Motion Paid Nokia Billions for a Piece of Paper
Though soccer is comprised of 11 players on the pitch identical to American football, soccer exhibits characteristics more similar to the NBA in terms of the impact that a marquee player can have on TV ratings.
With enough time, I would expect an object map would look similar to the Facebook graph in terms of how connections completely transcend geography.
"Honda is obviously a fairly similar company to us, in terms of the type of people they recruit, the type of thing we do, just dealing with bigger engines really, " Sarah Friday, from Delphi Systems said.