They range from a simple ger (a felt tent) that acts as a half-way house, to the well-organised home for 130 children run by Father Gilbert.
ECONOMIST: The street children are the symptom of a bigger problem
For example, Barbara Kimmel, the executive director of Trust Across America, blamed confusing terminology (CSR, CR, Social Responsibility, or Sustainability?) and a simple lack of understanding (Why is CSR important?).
Obviously if tax law was solely for generating revenue a simple(r) tax system would be more than adequate.
Steps needed include the naming of conferees, a House-Senate conference, and final passage (a simple majority) in both Houses.
From 1999 through 2001, two of the 175 patients on whom Isom performed a simple coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) died, a 1.14 percent mortality rate, according to figures recently released by the New York State Department of Health.
Mr. Davis says he recently upgraded his company's retirement plan from a Simple Individual Retirement Account plan to a 401(k).
If you have to have your memory refreshed with your report more than a couple of times (or at all in a simple case), cannot articulate your methods of investigation, use an inordinate number of vocalized pauses, allow yourself to get flustered, or just generally look like a dunce, the defense attorney has successfully tacked you on a cross.
FORBES: Q: What are some cultural faux pas in police departments?
The yardstick is simple: A great 401(k) plan will charge you about 0.29%.
More impressive than that was the way Apple transformed its business with a simple (but innovative) MP3 player: the iPod.
To be able to claim victory, Mr Hashimoto will have to win at least a simple majority (64) of the 126 seats up for grabs.
For example, real simple syndication (RSS), a blog, email marketing, including an email newsletter (ezine), a text (SMS), and Twitter are channel tools, through which businesses serve their customer communities.
Voinovich (R-Ohio), Tom Carper (D-Del.) and Bob Graham (D-Fla.) offered up a simple two-year extension of the old moratorium as a compromise.
It swapped a simple, sloppy, but proven technology (air bags) for a complex, precise, and unproven one.
Google Reader launched in 2005, when Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds were a new way to keep tabs on favourite websites and blogs.
By showing him how to make an omelet (or stitch a simple hem), I hoped he would also learn how to be a better man, one who could look after his own needs instead of expecting his girlfriend to do it for him.
Also on the rear plate, you'll find a fingerprint scanner for a touch more security than a simple PIN provides (and a lot more than the gimmicky face unlock).
ENGADGET: Fujitsu Arrows X F-02E hands-on: a powerhouse flagship with a 1080p display
Of course, lacking a two-thirds majority (or now even a simple majority with Nanayakkara's defection) makes it difficult for the government to push any constitutional changes through Parliament.
Dr Rao's team began by programming a humanoid robot with simple behaviours which users could then select with a wearable electroencephalogram (EEG) cap that picked up their brain activity.
Less then a decade ago, accommodation on the island was limited to a handful of simple pousadas (guesthouses).
She wears bold necklaces and brooches that make her simple dresses (just envision them a little longer) look sensational.
NeoTV Streaming Player (NTV300) is a simple-to-use device that's an ideal solution for streaming thousands of movies, TV shows or songs to TVs in full 1080p HD and 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound.
ENGADGET: SlingPlayer, TuneIn and other channels added to Netgear's NeoTV lineup
That way, they hope, a strong contingent of Sunnis will win seats in the chamber and work to amend the constitution. (A simple majority of deputies can put a constitutional amendment to a referendum.) The hope is that the process can create a coherent Sunni nationalist movement with credible leaders, working in the political mainstream.
But since 2011 a simple majority has sufficed (a supermajority is still needed to approve any tax rises), which is why the Republicans were reduced to impotent grouches during the recent debate.
ECONOMIST: California��s Republicans: Fading into irrelevance | The
Plenty of central banks issue them as a sideline (although a simple ingot, if you can afford one, is better value).
Millions of simultaneous users play Farmville or Draw Something (which scaled up to 36 million users in 6 weeks), which requires a simple, fast, elastic database (called a NoSQL database, a new category of product designed for the age of big data), that can process and deliver massive amounts of user and other types of data in real time.
On the mobile side, it's effectively a full, tabbed web browser, and a fairly solid (if simple) one at that.
ENGADGET: Yahoo Axis on desktop, iOS unifies your bookmarks, makes the web visual (hands-on)
Since such organisms (simple yeasts or bacteria) would carry a brand-new genetic code, they would in effect be new life forms.
If it is confined to the lining of the bladder, then a simple procedure called transurethral resection (TUR) can be carried out.
Mr Brown could still use a legal loophole to force it on with a simple majority (ie, Democrats only), but that would look bad.
ECONOMIST: The plan to fix California��s budget has run into problems