Appropriate behaviour can be as simple as making eye contact with someone, showing your camera and making sure the person knows he or she is being photographed.
Laser eye surgery for simple vision correction, for example, is not covered by most medical plans.
Sampathkumar says the key is to keep an eye on even such simple infections as a small skin wound.
Risk managers, investors, and regulators should keep a watchful eye on these apparently safe, simple, transparent, and useful derivatives.
If you keep your financial situation simple, diligently shop around, and keep an eye on your money, you can avoid may of the more common fees.
But rather than adoration for the Simple Life star, the media onslaught has resulted in eye rolls--and worse.
To a jaded eye, the personal computer industry sometimes seems simple.
Seeing case after case of chronic suffering, caused by simple diseases that were treatable or preventable, was quite an eye opener.
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What seems simple has taken years of research to overcome the problem of reading different eye colors and allowing for head movement so people can relax while using the systems.
CNN: Watch this space: Eye-control to give technology a new look
It's sweet and simple: the camera captures the reflection of light on the user's eye, and image processing technology then calculates the user's viewing angle to allow for hands-free navigation on-screen.
Living out of the public eye in a small monastery within Vatican City, Benedict will wear a simple white robe, without the papal red cape, and will swap his red shoes for brown ones.
He lobbied for the company, which spends 5% of sales on ads and marketing, to replace print ads that had simple shots of bikes and ad chatter in "weird Euro English" with more eye-catching pictures of Saunier Duval, the Spanish pro cycling team Scott Sports cosponsors.