How Google would choose an icon for this presents one problem for this simple system.
So we are proposing a simple system, not a more expensive one... that will help people plan for their retirements.
Sales of turntables in all price points are climbing and anyone can get a simple system at Best Buy or Urban Outfitters.
By making her positrons behave chaotically, Dr Ghaffari has inadvertently created a simple system in which chaos may be more easily studied.
Prof Sharon Peacock, from the University of Cambridge, said she wanted to develop a simple system that could be used easily by hospitals.
There have been warnings that students from poorer families are more debt averse and this could have the appeal of a simple system, with no debts attached.
The new system would have incorporated student progress on state tests and replaced a simple system in place for decades that rated the vast majority of teachers satisfactory.
"Silbo is interesting from the point of view of the theory of language because, since it is a very simple system, it can help us understand how languages in general are formed, " he says.
The problem has been addressed by, for instance, the Russian "Pingvin" suit, a simple system comprising a waistband and sets of elasticated cords from the waist over the shoulders and down to the feet.
And the most notable thing about the introduction of that system there, down from the almost impenetrable Soviet tax system, is that revenue collection went up when this low rate and simple system came in.
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Tesco, Britain's largest supermarket chain, was able to take the lead in online groceries by devising a fairly simple system: goods ordered over the internet are picked from the shelves of the nearest supermarket and delivered to homes within set time slots.
We again also developed a very simple system for classifying threats generally based on domain of operation (noting that some arguably operate in multiple domains) in an effort to see if any broad spectrum solutions could be developed to neutralize more than one threat vector.
Our ability to conceptualize and implement a vision of an Ideal and Just Society is extremely limited, and the political route between the obvious and simple system of natural liberty that Adam Smith found so compelling and the Ideal and Just Society some people want to see is fraught with peril.
Set up a system to manage your paperwork I use a simple filing system that a professional organizer I hired years ago taught me and it still works well for me.
FORBES: De-clutter, Detox & De-dupe: a recipe for success in the new year
Halpern's in-house technologists built their own simple scheduling system, which America's Best added to its site early in 1999.
CNN: Analysis: Brace yourself for the e-scheduling revolution
Pairing such means testing with a simple voucher system for all seniors enrolled in Medicare could also help bring down federal spending and stoke competition.
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Think of credit rating as a simple grading system where the top students perform the best on tests (making money) and those at the bottom are the biggest risk for dropping out of school (defaulting).
The new user interface seems to work like a wiki, the simple collaboration system most famously used in Wikipedia, but it looks more like a Facebook or Pinterest in its prominent use of feeds and large visuals.
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That amplifier puts out some very clean sound when paired with non-powered speakers, but this is the kind of setup intended for audiophiles looking for a simple secondary system -- exactly the kind of listener who cringes at the thought of lossy, compressed streaming audio.
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That three-inch screen is big, if not particularly bright, but does the trick for the camera's fairly simple menu system, which also includes a number of filters like Fisheye, Sepia (move over Instagram) and Monochrome -- the processing on each occurs after the photos are snapped.
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The key to the system is the application of a nitride semiconductor which makes the system simple and efficient.
In this case, the DNA was designed to operate on a very simple logic gate system, just like a computer.
That is why we are also developing a simple and clear system for front of pack labelling that everyone can use.
Intuit had also temporarily derailed a free file program in California and killed a simple online filing system in Virginia.
This will make it possible to realize a simple and compact system for capturing and converting wasted carbon dioxide from incinerators and electric generation plants.
Help is at hand from a most unlikely source: the United Nations, where a significant step towards a simple, global system for patent filing was made on June 2nd.
The crafting system is simple but effective, and crafting gives you distinct and even necessary advantages as you progress.
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HarassMap uses a simple SMS-based system to enable victims and witnesses to anonymously report sexual harassment incidents as soon as they happen.
Last year, he announced plans to classify the performance of English hospital trusts using a simple traffic-light system of green, amber and red.
It was such a simple hole in his system and one that I could have exploited without him having a clue what was going on.
CNN: Opinion: Difficult to become a hacker? It's easier than you think