To maintain a romantic notion of the Arctic as a place time has forgotten where life is simple and basic would be an insult to the people that call it home and be a mistake.
The Curiosity rover discovered that the chemistry of ancient Mars could have supported simple microbes more than three billion years ago, about the time that life first arose on Earth, scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said Tuesday.
So if you are finding, day after day, that too many important tasks have gone unaccomplished, and you are looking for a way to introduce better habits of time management into your life, look no further: try making a simple plan.
Using that above mentioned circuitry, lightly modified to accommodate RTS output and sufficient power demands, and the addition of a simple python script to translate that fluctuating index into real-time ticks, Ames was able to breath new life into an antiquated piece of Americana.