We appreciated having an expert install the art, especially since one piece was quite heavy.
That is not necessarily a bad choice since one could certainly have more than one love.
Which is passing strange, since one of them could be facing legal action from a federal agency.
It's ten to two in the afternoon and I've been waiting for my little sister, Vivi, since one-thirty.
Here the immediate point is that the crisis could be huge, since one restructuring seems sure to trigger others.
That could be tricky since one of Birmingham's other significant minorities, the Indians, has diametrically opposed views on Kashmir.
Since one of the first scientists to carefully study this issue was Milutin Milankovitch, these are called Milankovitch cycles .
FORBES: An 'Eccentric' Earth Offers More Clues to Climate Change
Leases expand and rationalize the market for used cars, since one 30-month-old Lexus 400 is pretty much like any other.
Since one court's rulings are not binding on another, a single legal question can be tried separately thousands of times.
Since one freight train can carry as much as 280 lorries can, railways can help to limit the rise in road congestion.
Since one is a quantity (of money) goal and the other is a rate (of interest) goal, some fine tuning should be possible.
It would be the first parliamentary sub-committee since one was set up to look at the issue of child sex offenders, in 2006.
But horizontal beds take up more space since one passenger can't angle under another, and airlines end up with fewer premium seats to sell.
If STC achieves these goals, the outcome could be profitable for investors since one large company has already approached STC about a possible acquisition.
It is also the worst bombing spree, outside of Cape Town, since one by white right wingers ahead of the first all-race elections in 1994.
Flowers in containers are so mobile and easy to manage, especially since one can buy them already in a pot (perfect for the pale-green fingered).
Finland is of particular interest since one of the two frequency convertor drives that Stuxnet issues commands to is made by a Finnish company, Vacon PLC.
FORBES: Dragons, Tigers, Pearls, and Yellowcake: 4 Stuxnet Targeting Scenarios
In polygamist societies there is a mismatch between the number of women and number of men available as mates, since one man may have several wives (or more).
FORBES: Polygamist FLDS Leader Warren Jeffs Sentenced to Life in Prison
But since one of the benefits of QE is that it largely bypasses the banking system, it is less helpful to small firms that rely on banks for finance.
The other field he ruled out was non-profit consulting, since one issue with his firm was the consulting work they did, which he no longer felt he wanted to do.
But in the court of public opinion, Starr may find it even tougher going now, since one set of accusations against Clinton has been judged to have no legal merit.
CNN: Analysis: A Victory For Clinton, But He's Not In Clear Yet
That is especially true since one outcome of this scandal will be to give these partisan groups even more freedom to operate outside of at least the spirit of the law.
FORBES: The IRS-Tea Party Scandal: Many Political Groups Should Not Be Tax-Exempt
Their goal was to have rotigotine delivered via a patch, since one of the biggest problems plaguing PD patients is keeping the right amount of medication in their systems throughout the day.
The researchers said they weren't surprised by the amount of time spent in meetings, since one of the roles of a CEO is to manage employees and meet with customers and consultants.
And since one of the primary ways that social services grow is through the recommendation of a content shared from friends, colleagues and acquaintances, a paywall can be a serious inhibitor to growth.
FORBES: App.net Just Went From Twitter Clone To A Scale Model Of Something Much, Much More
As hard drive capacities have surged, the risk of failure has gotten more severe, since one disk can conceivably contain every photo, e-mail, video and document you've created over the course of a decade.
Yeah, since one of the principal justifications for the rail line is to reduce greenhouse gases, Governor Jerry Brown and the California Air Resources Board seem to be pushing to allocate a big chunk of those revenues for that purpose.
FORBES: Cap & Tax: California's Recipe To Feed The Texas Economy
And, according to figures collated by the Times - which has run a high-profile cycle safety campaign since one of its reporters was hit by a lorry and left in a coma - 104 cyclists have been killed so far this year.
The shooting was the worst at a U.S. high school since one person was killed and five wounded at a high-school football game in Houston 11 months ago, according to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which promotes tougher controls on firearms.
Since one of the constitution's main purposes was to facilitate the smooth running of an enlarged EU, it seems not such a bad idea to wait a while to see what problems emerge after the ten new members join next May before setting the Union's governing principles in stone.