• It's richly orchestrated, with layers of ambient sounds, infectious rhythms and singalong harmonies.

    NPR: 'Dark Night Of The Soul' Finds The Light Of Day

  • Then, to the strains of renowned Italian singalong classics such as "Volare" and "That's Amore", the athletes entered the stadium.

    CNN: 'Magnificent' Games sent off in style

  • During Running Free there was a big singalong which was brilliant.

    BBC: Festival postcards: Leeds

  • Events are held in London, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland, with each show centred around a live concert before a live big-screen link-up to the main event for the traditional singalong.

    BBC: Last Night of Proms in 3D cinemas

  • Glinka had the virtue of being an ideologically neutral choice, but the lack of any words to his song meant it did not exactly lend itself to a morale-boosting singalong - hence the footballers' frustration.

    BBC: Anthems out of tune with people

  • But Sir Cliff Richard was the first act to unite the audience in a singalong, with thousands of Union Jacks being swung in time to Congratulations - from the Royal Box down to the front row.

    BBC: Stars shine on The Queen at Jubilee concert

  • Diamond's "Sweet Caroline" is a staple at the Red Sox' Fenway Park, and Saturday he made national news by being a surprise guest there to lead the crowd in a rousing rendition of the singalong at the team's first home game since the bombings.


  • For example, the Castro is now well-known locally for staging singalong showings of classics like "The Sound of Music" and "The Wizard of Oz, " while also hosting more obscure events such as a double feature this Saturday of "Blaxploitation" films with star Pam Grier scheduled to appear.

    WSJ: The Castro Holds Spotlight

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