He advocated a single 19% tax rate on all income (including, flat-taxers take note, on capital gains).
Costa Rica's government has sent bills to congress that would tax money earned abroad, levy the sales tax on services as well as goods, and introduce a single form for income tax.
ECONOMIST: Central America (2)
You could literally fill out a federal income tax return on a single page.
FORBES: Fact and Comment
Had they remained single, neither Howard nor Beth would have each pay tax on their ordinary income at a maximum rate of 33%, and all of their dividend income would be taxed at 15%.
FORBES: Want To Save On Taxes? Get A Divorce.
He has advocated a simple two-rate personal income tax system, under which individual taxpayers could fill out their returns on a single sheet of paper.
FORBES: What Next?
This levy would repeal nearly all federal taxes (including the income tax and the payroll tax) and replace them with a single-rate national sales tax on the purchase of all goods and services.
FORBES: Do Republicans Really Want to Cut Taxes on the Wealthy and Raise Them on Everyone Else?
The Bush Administration's proposed new savings accounts are a step--a remarkably bold one--toward a radical tax change in the U.S. This revolution is moving toward what I and others have long advocated: a flat tax--an income tax system with a single rate that would apply after a high threshold and that would exempt levies on capital gains, dividends and interest.
FORBES: Fact and Comment