While there is demand for more baseball, team owners siphon off supply to maximize profit.
Amazon contends store chains are pushing the laws to siphon away its valuable business partners.
The more cash the government pumps into parents' pockets, the more the schools siphon from them.
The copycats often target top-selling apps and seek to siphon off users and potential revenue.
Republicans fear that a third-party run by Buchanan would siphon conservative votes from their nominee.
The complaint alleges the groups worked together to promote Nader and siphon potential votes away from Sen.
Only when the siphon starts opening doors and windows between universes, are the two able to be together.
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When trade slowed in 1996 he used his business to siphon off money by falsifying VAT repayment claims.
And what if the leaker is determined to siphon out a rarer, seldom-accessed file without flagging network monitoring technologies?
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Critics carp that the program will siphon off students from failing schools, leaving those institutions worse off than before.
Can anti-Facebook marketing help new social networking site, Unthink, siphon off Facebook customers?
And this same pay-for-business promotion, done in January, helped it siphon much of the Nasdaq share it now enjoys.
For big pharma to siphon funds that are more appropriately used in academic labs or research institutes is disappointing.
Ms Silva is unlikely to be Brazil's next president, but she could well siphon off votes from Ms Rousseff.
Bauer could siphon just enough votes from Giuliani to hand the race to Clinton in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri and Iowa.
The driver may have stopped in Molo to siphon off some of his employer's fuel and sell it to locals.
By endlessly creating new, linked websites the bug can be used to siphon huge amounts of data onto target PCs.
Mobile games tailored to siphon off your time in 5-15 minute sips and your money in tiny, one dollar increments.
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Just as people increasingly search for shopping products on Amazon rather than Google, Facebook Home could siphon more people to Facebook.
Though Sabrin is trailing far behind in the polls, he is one of two pro-life candidates to siphon social conservatives from Whitman.
Over the weekend BP successfully mounted a pipe to siphon some of the oil and gas from the leaking wild well.
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Another employs superconductors (which really do work only at very low temperatures) to try to siphon the hottest electrons out of a device.
It also found that Green Party candidate Ralph Nader, who some Democrats fear may siphon off Gore supporters, was holding steady at 4 percent.
Hedge fund consultants and others who siphon wealth from high-net worth investors often boast that they can get their clients entry into closed managers.
But that hasn't stopped criminal gangs from repeatedly attempting to siphon thousands of dollars' worth of oil from this and other buried pipelines crossing Georgia.
Yes, you can carry that in your pocket and let your smartphone siphon from it via WiFi, but it's one extra device to worry about.
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These companies are looking for a way to make money on their products without first having to siphon off a portion their income to Microsoft.
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In the past, such deals have been a way for Russian bosses to siphon assets and cash from companies they run to companies they own.
It is conceivable that Goldman's trading systems could siphon off a sizable enough chunk of global traffic to rival, say, the New York Stock Exchange.
Are Glushkov and Berezovsky in cahoots to siphon money from Aeroflot?