Shakespeare's story evolved from a history penned by Sir Thomas More more than two decades after Richard died in the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.
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In 1535, Sir Thomas More was executed in England for treason.
CNN: Saturday
In 1535, Sir Thomas More, former Lord Chancellor of England, was executed for treason after refusing to recognize Henry VIII as the head of the Church of England.
CNN: Monday,
To paraphrase Sir Thomas More, Robert Bolt's excellent play "A Man For All Seasons, " the laws of this country are the great barriers that protect the citizens from the winds of evil and tyranny.
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Some of the weeks incorporate both history and fiction, for example the reading of "A Man for All Seasons, " Robert Bolt's 1954 play -- later reworked into a famous 1966 film - about the life of Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellor to England's mercurial King Henry VIII in the 16th century.
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The Conservatives' David Cameron has been asked by Sir Thomas to provide more information about payments for which he over-claimed in 2006 when he changed his mortgage.
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