He came to fame by skewering small towns (in Main Street) and medium-size heartland cities (in Babbitt).
By skewering her for seeking an alternative method to motherhood, are we in turn reducing women to baby-making machines?
Mike Strutton, Vitrue's director of product management, attributes much of Palin's popularity to Fey and Saturday Night Live's constant skewering.
Stewart likes to protest that such skewering is purely for comic effect.
Comedy Central's dynamic duo -- Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert -- seldom missed when skewering the hypocrisies of an over-the-top election campaign.
But TV didn't start skewering dads frequently until much later, says Bob Thompson, director of the Bleier Center for Television and Popular Culture at Syracuse University.
While he surely enjoyed skewering the power and immorality of studio executives in "The Big Knife, " he also probably heard about some real-life scandals that may inform this cynical play.
Their books share the goal of skewering the pretensions of the latest revision and using what is wrong about the DSM to remind us of what diagnosis and therapy should be for.
Since then American spokespersons have criticised Venezuelan officials for their involvement in the drug trade, skewering the country in annual drug reports and freezing the assets of at least seven current or former Venezuelan officials.
He is also a feisty blogger, who likes nothing better than taking on Eurosceptics who he thinks are talking through their hats, or skewering lazy, made-up stories in the British daily press (of which there are many).
So while Stewart's show grabbed big buzz this week for skewering The New York Times' for being the kind of news a "grandmother" would love, in May the median age of The Daily Show viewers crept up five years to 41.4, and the median age of The Colbert Report viewers was up five years to 38.3 , according to Nielsen.