• Petitt flew into Denver and had a look at the site, a run-down ski resort then called Squaw Pass that hadn't operated since 1974.

    FORBES: Ski Mogul

  • "When times are bad, that's the very worst time to cut and run, " says Arntzen, 51, an athletic Norwegian-American who has run seven marathons and competes in 90-kilometer ski races.

    FORBES: Storm Watch

  • Its owner and founder, Patrick Cunningham, an entrepreneur with a winter ski rental business, helped establish the now-popular river outings run by a dozen companies from spring through fall.

    WSJ: NY judge says rafter broke guide licensing laws

  • We're out of the helicopter, staring down the Big One, a 4, 500-foot run down a massive glacier by far the longest ski path I've ever seen.

    WSJ: Heli-Skiing in Greenland

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