Mr Kwasniewski has been a temperate, even-handed president, rising skilfully above the squabbling of party politics.
He was seen as fairly sensible, and has certainly handled relations with Russia and America skilfully.
In the 1980s, the Tories again skilfully exploited Labour's links to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.
The interpretation may seem a touch cynical, but how about a skilfully beatified shell company?
But none of this will necessarily stop Mr Milosevic from continuing skilfully to divide and rule.
In short, he was an extraordinarily complicated man, and the author copes skilfully with his complexity.
ECONOMIST: Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The man who saved his country, and the world | The
Wielding a paintbrush skilfully mattered less, so artists could be successful before (or without) refining their techniques.
Steven Naismith skilfully worked his way down the left wing and cut the ball infield to Miller.
In Mr Greenspan, the Fed has a strong leader who has managed to steer markets' expectations skilfully.
Grant's men skilfully engineered a number of openings late on and Piquionne headed wide from a glorious position.
But Mr Saleh has skilfully played off tribes, parties and religious factions against each other or bribed their leaders into acquiescence.
Murphy skilfully evaded Lewis Stevenson before playing a teasing low ball towards O'Brien, who was inches away from making a scoring connection.
Acclaimed English golf architect Martin Hawtree has skilfully routed holes around and between the massive dunes, some measuring 80 feet in height.
All the same, it was Mr Subramaniam who got the wheat growing, skilfully guiding the project through India's political and bureaucratic fog.
Though many are juvenile, violent or pornographic, others are intricate narratives skilfully illustrated and meant to educate as much as to entertain.
Short and compact, on the Concept E-go, urban traffic will seem like a videogame that will be fun and easy to skilfully nE-gotiate.
ENGADGET: BMW unveils concept Husqvarna Concept E-go electric motorcycle
She skilfully depicts the discontinuity between the bursting emotions of men's interior life and the choked, inarticulate bleating that expresses them or fails to.
The explanations, particularly in the thorny field of quantum physics, are excellent, and the selection of subject matter skilfully winnows a vast field.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has paid tribute to David Cameron for negotiating "very skilfully" in favour of a cut to the EU budget.
Though it has handled this metamorphosis skilfully, it has remained less of a force than, well, Morgan Stanley, now the world's pre-eminent investment bank.
Until now western diplomats and aid agencies have supported her and she has skilfully used that support to strengthen her power base yet further.
And the home side punished that miss when Goodwillie skilfully evaded the Hamilton defence and found Daly, who slid the ball home into the corner.
The irony is that the centrepiece of the changes, the abolition of the Lord Chancellor's post, would have been broadly welcomed if handled more skilfully.
Voters seem to have given way to fear, skilfully stoked by the No campaign, that a tax on the rich could easily become a tax on everybody.
As he pointed out, a minority of consumers will leap at the idea of open data, but most will be left cold unless it is marketed skilfully.
He skilfully embodies them all, from a stubbornly independent middle-aged man to the two adolescent girls (one pious, one callous) as they attempt to find their place in the world.
ECONOMIST: New British fiction: Unhappy in its own way | The
Ingredients are skilfully prepared but technique never overshadows flavour.
Mr Miles has skilfully fused the works of ancient historians such as Polybius and Livy, a wide range of modern studies and recent archaeological research to create a convincing and enthralling narrative.
Instead, they argued, a fortuitous mutation in the human brain may have triggered an explosion in human creativity 50, 000 years ago, leading to a sudden appearance of personal ornaments, skilfully-crafted art, novel tools and weapons.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Study reveals 'oldest jewellery'