Use a whole skin-on bone-in turkey breast and then 4 pounds of thighs and drumsticks.
For chicken, skin-on thighs with or without the bone are ideal for marinades, but you can use the whole bird, cut up, if you prefer.
Drawn in by easy-to-digest prices and a traditional take on fish and chips, cabbies are known to queue up here for thick slices of fresh cod, fried skin-on in beef fat.
Government-funded studies have found that this particular type of vitamin A may increase risk of skin cancer when used on sun-exposed skin.
Soon, however, she became aware that there was "a lot of skin-bleaching going on", a trend she found "alarming" and something that is common in much of Africa.
In its European markets, for example, cosmetic company Juneva of Switzerland sells a product called DNA Skin Optimizer Fluid, which promises to help aging skin cells to renew and duplicate themselves by targeting the nuclei--Juneva says skin takes on a fresher, smoother appearance within days of use.
Havran says the company's claim of skin-supporting is based on a "general body of knowledge" about the value of essential fatty acids for skin.
Its creator (and MC10 co-founder), John Rogers has refined that design so that it's no longer an elastomer sticker -- now he can apply the biostamp's thin, stretchy electronics directly on human skin, and bond it with commercially available spray-on bandage material.
Currently, about 40 percent of us have staph bacteria on our skin-- and it rarely causes a problem.
Lenny emphatically doesn't count the teenyboppers - fans of things shiny who are bent on showing a maximum of skin - that constitute the core customer base for so many other Brazilian swimwear brands.
US-based researchers were the first to propose that the wrinkles might act like the tread on tyres, and even demonstrated how the patterns in the skin resembled those of run-off channels seen on the sides of hills.
What's more, the chicken-goat (choat... gicken?) and leg-raising-dog come standard issue on every player -- that's no skin, son.
With their new laser in hand, Dr Leitgeb and his colleagues set up an experiment that let them test the system on a range of skin conditions, including a healthy human palm, allergy-induced eczema on the forearm, inflammation of the forehead, and two previously diagnosed cases of basal-cell carcinoma.
In this study, the researchers tested the skin patch on mice with an age-related brain degeneration similar to Alzheimer's.
Commercial trials are under way on Affectiva's skin-conductance sensors, wristwatch-size devices that detect emotional engagement by measuring tiny changes in sweat-gland activity.
The reason a colonoscopy is recommended for those over 50 is because, with age, we are more likely to have these pre-cancerous polyps in our colons just as we are more likely to find pre-cancerous growths on our skin.
Bob's integrity was absolute--he was as hard on Republicans as he was on Democrats--and thankfully he possessed a skin of armor.
Even the hair on Wiens' head, from the mid-scalp area, is part of the donor skin (the hair on the back of Wiens' head is his own).
The decision may hinge on how justices view the skin-crawling comparison between Shell and I.
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"I saw myself comfortable in my own skin, in a well-fitted elegant dress on a very important day in my life, " Sosna said.
But infections -- which could develop after a variety of scenarios ranging from a mosquito bite or even a scratch on the skin from a nail -- can sometimes lead to bad outcomes.
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The action of ultra-violet light from the sun on a molecule called 7-dehydrocholesterol, found in the skin, turns it into the vitamin.
These leopard-skin-swathed warriors were allowed to join its troops on a triumphal rampage through Bunia on March 6th.
When I attach it to the waistband of my running shorts, the plastic clip doesn't leave scratches on my skin, as the third-generation Shuffle did.
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While these individual romantic choices may have played some role in the challenges the young women faced, the focus on boyfriends and husbands is only skin-deep.
FORBES: Bad Relationships Don't Stand in Poor Women's Way. Bad Policies Do.
So instead, I use a skin-tight, sweat-wicking polypro base layer on my legs and torso, then the aforementioned fleece layers (which also repel water toward my outer shell).
But a woman who handled the package began to show symptoms similar to skin-based anthrax and her doctor prescribed the antibiotic Cipro on Oct. 1.
Researchers in the department currently have one on-going study funded by Nu Skin related to the identification of master regulators and epigenetic changes to human skin aging.
New guidelines by the Food and Drug Administration aim to protect consumers from skin cancer through greater testing and clearer labeling on sun-protection products, including cosmetics with sunscreen.
Guthy-Renker's sales have stalled over the last couple of years, the result of consumers pulling back--and being less willing to watch 30-minute ads on the transformative powers of skin creams and exercise equipment.