Mrs Johnson Sirleaf inherited her light skin colour from her maternal grandfather, a German trader.
' or mentioned the difference in his skin colour, or questioned his presence in our life.
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She suggested they "celebrate the beauty of diversity in body shape, skin colour, size and age" instead.
By dint of his own skin colour, he appeals to those who welcome a more multicultural America.
But when they turn up, and their skin colour is apparent, the job turns out to have been filled.
Diversity of accent and skin colour do not necessarily mean diversity of worldview.
The hope this analysis brings, though, is that there is nothing particularly special about biologically based brands such as skin colour.
Hence the Republicans' decision to call as witnesses this week some firefighters who were denied promotion because of their skin colour.
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The result is a spectrum of skin colour rather than a dichotomy.
In the UK "between October and May virtually no-one makes vitamin D because of the sunlight" regardless of your skin colour, so Vitamin D levels are dependent on dietary intake, he said.
"I am deeply alarmed by the general discrimination and social exclusion many people with albinism suffer, as a result of their skin colour, not just in Tanzania but in other countries as well, " she said.
His solicitor Imran Khan said the formal complaint related to him being stopped by police on 16 November but it was "the culmination of a course of conduct over many years which amounted to harassment and discrimination based upon his skin colour".
The obsession of the novel's characters with degrees of skin colour, or the lack thereof, threatens to force the heroine, a near-white black, to call off her planned marriage to a white jazz musician and instead to encourage the crude advances of a nut-brown man with three daughters.
"It shows black people now refuse to vote just on the colour of skin, policies such as the war and education also have a big impact, " OBV director Simon Woolley said.
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To calculate the heart rate the camera detects tiny changes in the colour of the skin.
Regardless of the colour of your skin or regardless of your religion, you are welcome.
But just as important as the colour of his skin is its thickness.
"Born in Zimbabwe, raised in Zimbabwe, forced to leave because of the colour of my skin, " was a typical comment.
Experts hope that this will make more people pay attention to those who have disappeared, regardless of the colour of their skin.
If firms concentrate on the colour of the skin rather than the content of the curriculum vitae, they are unlikely to benefit from an ethnically diverse workforce.
Many assume that Mr Zimmerman, whose father is white and whose mother is Hispanic, decided that Mr Martin looked suspicious simply because of the colour of his skin.
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Many people are not familiar with the concept of hate crime - the idea that the targeting of people because of the colour of their skin, their religious belief, or their sexual orientation is different to ordinary crime.
It was not what it was intended for because I went on to say that as a properly meritocratic party we should value people by the contribution that they want to bring to the country, not the colour of their skin not their religion, not who their parents were, not how they speak.
Elisabeth Cornwell, of the university's perception lab, then used "ageing" software to reproduce the natural effects of growing old on skin texture, hairline and hair colour.
Sometimes the skin is rubbed with malt sugar to give it an amber colour and is then hung up to air dry before roasting in the oven.