Mr. GOLDSMITH: And even when he was skirting the law, he didn't do so in secret.
Then I noticed that the smoke was coming out from the skirting boards.
The legislation, you recall, passed only because of rule-skirting to circumvent a filibuster.
Last year 20, 000 Yankees arrived without any license, skirting the U.S. travel embargo by flying in through Mexico or Canada.
The Big Shift, The Great Disruption, are skirting the edges and describing near term possibilities based on more foundational concepts.
Soldiers have been skirting its fringes for weeks, held back by strong resistance and, at one time, heavy monsoon rains.
At 20mph it begins to lift the pontoons, and at 60mph it's airborne, skirting the water by 1 to 10 feet.
Is skirting that line of appropriateness a purely instinctual thing or do you guys discuss it while you make the video?
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When completed in 2011, that pipeline will connect Russia and Germany through the Baltic Sea, skirting Poland and the Baltic states.
Increasingly, employees are skirting IT restrictions and security rules in order to use their gadgets to help them do their job better.
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Typical of Google, it has left the criteria for these scores a subject of mystery to prevent arbitrageurs from skirting the system.
Neotnatal units in Welsh hospitals are "skirting close to the wind", due the serious shortage of cots, according to Dr Sybil Barr.
And as they ramp up their efforts, our competitors should be on notice: You will not get away with skirting the rules.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Enforcing Trade Rights with China | The White House
After many adventures and some frighteningly high seas they reached French Polynesia on July 30, skirting close to the isolated Puka Puka atoll.
Although the robot's cameras have yet to catch sight of them, it seems whirlwinds of dust have been skirting around the six-wheeled vehicle.
"Ninety-nine % of the people going uphill are doing it for exercise and not as a means of skirting the ticketing system, " he says.
The market has also been skirting around the 200-day moving average in recent weeks, edging above and below it, but with no firm trend seen.
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We keep skirting the real problem: a tangled, confusing Tax Code.
The Barroso proposal aims to quickly create a common bailout fund backed by levies on the eurozone banks, skirting the need for direct fiscal transfers.
He said simple measures, including fitting water-resistant skirting boards and installing plug sockets further up the wall, would help property owners minimise the risk of damage.
For the general public, this news will reaffirm the popular view of hedge funds as shadowy entities skirting or breaking the rules and reaping illegal gains.
The fires (some awesome video here) created a plume of smoke that stretched for 30 miles, just skirting downtown Houston and visible on doppler radar.
At issue is whether the vehicle is skirting the rules for private company investments, which protect firms with fewer than 500 investors from having to make certain disclosures.
He notes the federal prosecutor is accusing the lawmakers of breaking laws, not skirting weak ones, and that the accused represent a small slice of the 213 state legislators.
Skirting a mere statute is, comparatively speaking, a cakewalk.
In my experience, garden parties on this soggy isle usually involve the skirting of cow pats, the sinking of one's heels into damp turf, chilly legs, tepid drink and even more lukewarm conversation.
Bank of America has shelved plans for new fees that could have hit at least 10 million customers by the end of this year, skirting a potential replay of a 2011 uproar over consumer-banking charges.
Even so, the maitre d' insisted that bar patrons not walk through the empty dining room and instead use a hallway skirting the area -- a hint as to what kind of atmosphere the hotel tries to maintain.
"It's not really our job to comment on it, " said Hamilton, neatly skirting the issue, despite it being suggested to him that, as world champion, he had a responsibility to speak in defence of the sport.
The future of an ethics-skirting basketball program is in the spotlight, and so are the teaching practices that led massive numbers of students to cheat in a course many originally took because it had a reputation for being easy.