In reality, skulduggery is probably easier to monitor in a mega-mosque than in a backstreet outfit.
While skulduggery is possible, the more realistic problem with Olympic judging is conscious or unconscious national bias.
In the minds of many ordinary Australians, however, much of this hard work has been sullied by skulduggery involving Olympic officials.
And without changes in the current, complex tax code, which practically encourages companies to play games, many think the skulduggery will continue.
Russian journalist Viktor Balagadde, who writes for the newspaper Kommersant UK, notes that neither man shied away from certain accusations of skulduggery.
Moreover, many admirers of CSR confuse the sort of creative destruction that makes us all richer, in the long run, with corporate skulduggery.
At last, Peruvians can expect independent investigation of all this skulduggery.
Perhaps most pernicious of all is the fact that the Clinton-Gore team has delayed by years the availability of robust anti-missile defenses with budgetary shenanigans and bureaucratic skulduggery.
Some skulduggery still comes from people faking or exaggerating injuries.
But with little accountability come opportunities for skulduggery.
Hitchcock and his scenarists (Charles Bennett, Alma Reville, Ian Hay, and Jesse Lasky, Jr.) scatter clues like gum wrappers as Ashenden and the General visit Switzerland to find an enemy agent whose skulduggery affects negotiations under way in Palestine.
Gregory Earls , two former Kmart (otc: KMRTQ - news - people ) executives and Adelphia Communications (otc: ADELQ - news - people ) founder John Rigas , all of whom have been accused of skulduggery.
By the same token, a Mossad source says that cloak-and-dagger operations still have their uses, even though ultra-modern electronic and biometric skills, used with surprising efficiency (in Israeli eyes) by Dubai's police, make such operations, involving wigged disguises and old-style skulduggery, harder to pull off.
ECONOMIST: Israel's controversial intelligence service: Does Mossad really make Israel safer? | The