At another utility, in an undisclosed city, Slammer downed the computer network controlling vital equipment.
Of Televerde's out-of-prison alumni, 11% have gone back to the slammer over the last 14 years.
So, we finally built another house for the children that attached to the Slammer.
WSJ: Penn Jillette: I Child-Proofed the 'Slammer' | House Call
From the outside, my Slammer was all prison, but from the inside it was all goofy.
WSJ: Penn Jillette: I Child-Proofed the 'Slammer' | House Call
Then they'd meet someone else and get married again and they were out of the Slammer.
WSJ: Penn Jillette: I Child-Proofed the 'Slammer' | House Call
My wife, Emily, and I tried to figure out how to child-safe the Slammer and we failed.
WSJ: Penn Jillette: I Child-Proofed the 'Slammer' | House Call
At the extreme end of legal possibilities, each former C-level executive could get over 150 years in the slammer.
FORBES: Whistleblower Watkins Vindicated By Enron Guilty Verdicts
Throw tax cheat politician Charlie Rangel in the slammer too for good measure.
Orr (just sentenced by a Utah federal judge to five years in the slammer) have been called in for audits.
There are a number of billionaires and former billionaires currently behind bars or who have spent time in the slammer.
No one wants to emulate Bernie Ebbers, disgraced former chief of WorldCom, who was sentenced to 25 years in the slammer.
When anyone I knew, of either sex, got divorced, they came to Vegas and lived at the Slammer for a while.
WSJ: Penn Jillette: I Child-Proofed the 'Slammer' | House Call
January 25 marked the 10-year anniversary of the SQL Slammer worm.
FORBES: To Understand The Wave Of Breaches, Follow The Money
Another apparent first: The U.S. Attorney's Office has accused someone of securities fraud--which could land Martha in the slammer for ten years--for denying wrongdoing.
This was because Slammer contained a simple, fast scanner to find vulnerable machines in a small worm with a total size of only 376 bytes.
We were stuck in the Slammer with children on the way.
WSJ: Penn Jillette: I Child-Proofed the 'Slammer' | House Call
You can, perhaps, prevent people from ending up in the slammer.
Perhaps Snipes was referring to his veteran tax-protester co-defendants, who were convicted of more serious felony charges and will spend far more time in the slammer.
It is only a matter of time before David Litchfield is blamed for the SQL Slammer worm, because he figured out how it could be done and told the world.
But if the game is played several times, maintaining trust gives the best overall outcome: players receive two-year sentences every round rather than each time risking ten or 20 years in the slammer.
When the Slammer virus shut down Internet service for several hours in Korea in January, the whole country suffered from withdrawal symptoms, says Ken Lee, chairman of Korea Telecom, the nation's biggest broadband provider.
Even at Microsoft, not everyone applied the patch that would have fixed a known flaw exploited by the so-called SQL Slammer worm, which is estimated to have disrupted half of all internet traffic in January.
In January 2003 the Microsoft SQL Server worm, known as Slammer, infected a private computer network at David-Besse nuclear power plant in Oak Harbor, Ohio, disabling a safety monitoring system for nearly five hours, says the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Like Skilling, Lay has heaped the blame for Enron's spectacular failure on skittish investors, a whipsaw market and "the deceit of Andy Fastow"--the former finance chief who pleaded guilty to in January 2004 to wire and securities fraud, two of the 98 counts he'd faced, and agreed to a decade in the slammer.