It tells the Hanukkah story as a Zionist parable with a typical Guthriec(ph) little guy slant.
If you're like us, you're probably taking an ever-increasing interest in gadgets with an eco slant.
Once again, please forgive the narrow slant of this email, both in content and geography.
At Marden High School , students are focusing on news with a statistical slant.
Similar work, with a more contemporary slant, is on display at New York's Museo del Barrio.
Human-style handwriting analysis examines features such as letter shape, the slant of words, and stroke style.
Many Tories, who sense a liberal-left slant at the BBC, want a tougher line.
Almost every subject on the Accelerated Christian Curriculum, which Grace uses, has a Christian slant.
And--the statisticians should like this--the plot points of the ridiculously rich take on a more normal slant.
And then comment on it in a direct and honest manner, no slant, no positioning and not biases.
After overthrowing Brandon Kaufman on a slant, he followed up by hitting Kaufman on a deep post route.
While some may not like the change, most appreciate a more health-conscious slant to this year's state fair.
The slant against equity has been a feature of the tax code for most of the last 75 years.
Bello Nock has also put this own slant on New York City tourism.
In true contrarian fashion, we feature on this issue's cover a promising slant on the miasma that is Wall Street.
The way they have differentiated the product is by applying an editorial slant to it, to the presentation of that news.
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The French sources of the material also ensure a refreshingly non-American slant on the information, but its Euro-centredness might vex some Asians.
Pollsters have known for ages that if you slant questions just so you can skew answers to match the results you want.
Disclosure: Because of companies I work for and agencies I interact with, I cannot accurately frame my slant on certain U.S. legislators.
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The program for the festival's landmark 20th year includes film, dance, theatre, opera, music, fashion and visual art events, all with a French slant.
At Can Cires, the focus of the owners Victoria Mari Torres and her husband Francis is on cooking locally sourced, seasonal produce with a traditional Ibizan slant.
Additionally, a unique post-binning, re-sampling filter function removes zigzag artifacts around slant edges and minimizes spatial artifacts to deliver even sharper, crisper color images.
You see, Stewart had to slant this article to thwart the greedy rich who use tax flight as a bugaboo to hold down their own tax rates.
FORBES: Sorry New York Times, Tax Flight of the Rich Is Not a Myth is a snowboarding website aimed at the ladies, and I really like the fresh and feminine slant they have put on what is traditionally a very male-oriented sport.
However, as the session wore on selling pressure in gold intensified as traders and investors digested the FOMC minutes and determined the new information had a bearish slant for the raw commodity sector., a website that tracks partisanship among American political columnists, rates Mr Krugman second in the overall partisan slant of his columns, behind only Ann Coulter, a fiercely (and often incoherently) conservative polemicist.
Since each strove to be balanced (actually balanced, and irrespective of how balanced it actually was, the editorial slant was basically the same across the networks), we could allow it to shape and form our opinions.
In fact, after having experienced their service firsthand, if I was a company looking to send staff, management, or clients on an adventure trip with an upscale slant, I would not hesitate to hire Iconic Adventures.
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Djokovic puts an unusual slant on the reasons for the success of the current crop of Serbian players, tracing it back to the crisis of 1999 when NATO planes bombed Belgrade before the regime of president Slobodan Milosevic was removed.