Does the president believe that head-slapping and simulated drowning are necessary tactics to use against suspected terrorist.
This was sung as well, with improvised verses about the groom that had the crowds slapping their thighs.
Albert puts Jehue through his paces again, slapping his trailing leg as he hits the hurdle.
The last one was Goldman Sachs slapping a sell rating on its shares yesterday.
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He is a classic throw-it-against-the-wall guy, slapping Virgin's scarlet logo on hundreds of products.
Everybody seems to know each other by name, laughing and slapping each other on the back.
You can see the whale slapping its tail and doing all sorts of stuff.
We've been slapping each other high fives when we negotiate down an estimate to our budget.
The Republican candidate, John Cornyn, may lack Mr Kirk's engaging personality and back-slapping manner.
He began slapping his thigh lightly, rhythmically, like someone getting ready to move vigorously.
TechCrunch optimistically assumes this means Facebook is going to start slapping nosy employers with lawsuits.
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America's immediate response to September 11 was slapping flag stickers on SUVs and buying Hummers.
Staff were secretly filmed slapping patients, pinning them under chairs and giving them cold punishment showers.
In the nets, he's been joshing with his team-mates, slapping shoulders and shouting encouragement.
The U.S. in turn accuses China of slapping improper duties on American auto imports.
At the start, it is true, the Germans were happily surprised by American back-slapping and smiles.
And by slapping a new 2.3% tax on device makers, Obamacare is making the situation even worse.
Even if they could, most stores will not risk offending their clientele by slapping surcharges on cards.
He went into the house and tried to drag her out and she resisted, slapping and kicking.
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The Heinrich Himmler high-fronted military cap, the boots, the swagger stick she kept slapping against her palm.
Footage aired on television channels showed two policemen beating the woman with sticks, slapping and pushing her.
Within minutes the men are slapping each other on the back, congratulating Jim for his brilliant idea.
One common one: A developer might give away apps for a period before slapping on a price.
Will we eventually be taxed or fined for enjoying a sunny day without slapping on sufficient sun-protection?
And since many imports are used to produce exports, slapping higher tariffs on them makes little sense.
But no matter how many times they get slapped down, they keep coming back and slapping back.
He was cranky man who smoked a pipe and kept slapping an L-shaped pica ruler into his palm.
Adapting to the rise of social media requires far more than slapping sharing buttons on a Web page.
At the edge of the yard, two little girls are slapping a bright-yellow ball around a silver pole.
Poor countries could take matters into their own hands by slapping a countervailing tariff on the subsidised produce.