True to the traditional role of a vice president, Gore has been slavish in his support for Clinton.
Del Toro said that it would be boring to make a slavish adaptation.
But Dylan William of King's College London says slavish worship at the altars of testing and targets could be damaging.
But in the end, his slavish devotion to his radical ideological agenda will ensure that his failures reach a critical mass.
We should be solid but not slavish in our friendship with America.
Buena Vista Republican Women's Club President Margaret Slavish thinks President Obama's re-election victory in November simply shows they have to work harder.
BBC: Republican rank and file have little appetite for change
For many continental sophisticates, America, with its guns, its executions, its mindless television, its slavish devotion to the market, has become a cultural Antichrist.
And unthinking rebelliousness can be just as inauthentic as slavish conformity.
He spoke fluent English, and commanded slavish devotion from his agents.
The company says the hand-built Ghost passes through no less than 60 pairs of hands and their slavish attention to detail is nothing short of amazing.
In Harare, the circulation of the Herald, a daily newspaper and slavish mouthpiece of the ruling party, has dwindled, while that of the independent Daily News has soared.
If one isn't providing the overwhelming temptation to spit out slavish rehash after slavish rehash, the other often walks hand-in-hand with the philosophy that self-editing is for the artistically compromised.
But what Obama's slavish devotion to his radical world view shows is that Netanyahu's decision to seek an accommodation is not simply an exercise in futility, it is a recipe for disaster.
For critics of John Howard, he became a totem for much of what was wrong with the Bush administration's war on terror, and what they complained was the then prime minister's slavish support for the US president.
To be a fan of an MLS team or the league itself is be simultaneously appreciative of how much it has grown since it was started in 1996 while also being frustrated by what seems to be an illogical, slavish insistence to define an American version of soccer.
Similar to Obama's refusal to reassess his failed policy regarding North Korea, his nonreaction to the fraudulent Iranian election shows that he will not allow facts to interfere with his slavish devotion to his ideological canon that claims that no enemy is unappeasable and no ally deserves automatic support.
By way of a rebuff to the robotic, slavish activity of their foe, they get to prove their human handiness, not least when Santos and her new pals, defying our expectation of a gargantuan nuclear strike, end up bayonetting the enemy at close quarters, as if this were a Belgian trench in 1917.