They sleep with the windows open, the moths battering their wings against the mesh screens.
Any Apple investor can recite these numbers in their sleep with dismay and confusion.
They arranged for an electric hospital bed, so that he could sleep with his back raised.
Residents of a Gloucester estate say they are unable to sleep with windows open because of motorway noise.
For those who eat, drink, work, play and sleep with their phones, life won't ever be the same.
Looking around her one-room flat, she concludes that her daughter will have to sleep with her and her husband.
Instead of putting them to sleep with tons of talk about you, make the focus right from the beginning about them.
"It's all the things that you do when you're young and trying to get someone to sleep with you, " said co-executive producer Judd Apatow.
CNN: 2013 TV: Past favorites, new shows make list of 10 to watch
Who we'll sleep with if given the opportunity, who we'll betray in the right circumstance, whose faith and love we will reward with our own.
You can even track sleep with an optional accessory (see below).
Joe has found that if you want to sleep with a woman you have to spend a lot of time talking to her about her interests.
And at a Chicago marketers' networking luncheon where I recently spoke on a panel, a majority of the crowd of 150 reported, in a show of hands, that they sleep with a smartphone within reach.
Some smartphone apps like SleepCycle and DreamOn, along with the wristband product Lark and mask REM Dreamer or DreamStar can be used to detect REM sleep, with some even sending data to a common website.
FORBES: Saying 'Hi' Through A Dream: How The Internet Could Make Sleeping More Social
The sleep test also was normal, except for a delayed onset of rapid-eye-movement sleep, with unknown medical significance.
Not that you'll always sleep well with preferred stocks and A-rated corporate debentures.
As for breaking the sleep-with-Mom habit, it may be easier now than when she was younger, says Ronald Becker, M.
So sleep here with me and I'll keep you close for now, while I try to live up to you.
And he says there is evidence that young children are getting too little sleep, with a detrimental effect on their behaviour.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Why should we have eight hours' sleep?
The authors advised parents to discuss sleep positions with childminders.
Mr. Ellis says he began to understand the legitimacy of their different sleep needs after he was diagnosed with sleep apnea in 2008, had surgery to treat it and stopped getting tired in the afternoon.
Our clients sleep better at night with index funds and we sleep better, too.
Retire with a bottle of wine or sleep care-free with valet parking and a late 1 pm checkout.
People with a sleep efficiency of less than 92 percent had a 5.5-times greater risk of developing a cold than those with a 98 percent or more sleep efficiency.
Treat your appointment with sleep as being as important as any other in your diary.