Instead, it was an effective treatment for narcolepsy, a disorder marked by excessive daytime sleepiness.
Blue light also reduced EEG activity associated with sleepiness, but the difference wasn't statistically significant.
"It was a safe dose of a kids' medicine, with side effect of sleepiness, " he says.
For disruptive snoring it was 42%, daytime sleepiness 45%, restless legs 54% and legs jerking 60%.
Nearly half of total revenue comes from one drug, Provigil, a treatment for chronic sleepiness.
"It makes sense that daytime sleepiness would be associated with depression, " says James Gangwisch, Ph.
Sleepiness is also a side effect of many medications, alcohol use or psychiatric conditions.
One-third of the 32 patients in the study have relatives with excessive sleepiness to varying degrees.
Right now, it is only approved for use in narcoleptics suffering from excessive sleepiness during the day.
But in reality, there are no tests to determine sleepiness for drivers like there are to determine intoxication.
The patients experienced symptoms such as coughing, fever, difficulty breathing, sleepiness and vomiting.
Subjects rated their sleepiness on a scale of 1 (very alert) to 9 (very sleepy) four times in each experiment.
Its lead drug, modafinal, is a widely used treatment for excessive sleepiness that is also awaiting approval for treating ADHD in children.
Take, for instance, ProVigil, which is used to treat excessive daytime sleepiness.
But sleepiness is dangerous and bad for health--leading to everything from falling asleep while driving to, in some studies, increased risk for obesity.
The figures took into consideration other factors, such as smoking and obesity, which can also increase the risk of snoring and daytime sleepiness.
"There are 40 million people in America alone who have excessive sleepiness as their major symptom, and that's who we're after, " he says.
Compared with darkness, exposure to red light boosted alertness: The EEGs showed a significant reduction in brain-wave activity associated with sleepiness after five minutes.
And experts say it's a problem that can't easily be solved by new laws because proving sleepiness behind the wheel is difficult, if not impossible.
She said it was possible that the change to inflammatory markers produced in sleep deprivation experiments were merely short-term reflections of the battle against sleepiness.
Have signs or symptoms included abnormal sleepiness or lack of energy?
The team, led by professor of psychiatry J Christian Gillin, was surprised at the increased activity in direct correlation to the person's sense of sleepiness.
It's a difficult task to write a song that successfully evokes the slowed-time pull of sleepiness without going too far and lulling listeners toward unconsciousness themselves.
But it quickly became more than a narcolepsy medication, as doctors used it to treat side effects from other medicines and other types of excessive sleepiness.
Daytime sleepiness appears to be the new normal for adolescents.
The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug, which is already on the market for sleepiness under the name Provigil, had caused one possible case of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a rare skin reaction.
"There certainly have to be new actions, spectacular and symbolic, to shake up the sleepiness, to shake the numbed consciences and wake up the memory of our origins, " the blog said.
Technically, these drugs are made to help people who suffer from the sleepiness that comes from night shift work, or as a result of maladies such as narcolepsy or sleep apnea.
Provigil was approved in 1998 to treat narcolepsy, a condition in which patients suffer from constant sleepiness, temporary paralysis and other symptoms brought on by an inability to get adequate sleep.