There have been many sleepless nights and weeks of unabated queasiness from the anxiety.
The incident is forever seared into my brain and is giving me sleepless nights.
The new line-up is also a balancing act which, Mr Martin confessed, cost him sleepless nights.
Expect many sleepless nights full of tsunami sweats that soak through your pajamas, bedding and mattress.
Mr. WETHINGTON: I lose a couple sleepless nights, you know, probably every month about it, yes.
Ed Chipperfield, a long-time east Oxford resident, has suffered sleepless nights from late-night revellers.
It is not just the failure of individual banks that gives regulators sleepless nights.
Parents spend sleepless nights trying to rearrange schedules to get out of Mr. Bleh's fourth-period math class.
WSJ: Andy Kessler: Professors Are About to Get an Online Education
They all endured sleepless nights, as well as aches and pains due to the lack of oxygen.
"There were quite a few sleepless nights when we took over, " says the Conservative Council Leader Jim Ketteridge.
Whatever sleepless nights the councillors may have had, it may yet be nature that decides the final outcome.
The threat of termination of any forthcoming lending programme is unlikely to cause Mr Moi any sleepless nights.
If university fees are giving the Liberal Democrats sleepless nights, in time prison reform may similarly disturb the Conservatives.
Executives at KPMG and a previous auditor must also be having sleepless nights.
It's the worry you wake up with and the source of sleepless nights.
But eight years ago, at 51, her sleepless nights woke her second-act career.
Ms. BARRETT: With many sleepless nights, I have to say, and very conflicted and filled with lots of mixed emotions.
They endure sleepless nights and the daily struggle of providing for children while a loved one is serving far from home.
The unexpected death of his first wife and his awkward relationship with their two sons are also cause for sleepless nights.
The court heard Mrs Shelton had been suffering from sleepless nights worrying about a new computer system being brought in at work.
What is certain is that he will have many more sleepless nights.
ECONOMIST: Turkish foreign policy: Problems with the neighbours | The
Without his dogged persistence, the Geneva summit might never have taken place and would certainly have ended four days (and sleepless nights) earlier.
He had very little money on him, so he squatted with a friend in a dinky apartment, spending many sleepless nights perfecting his software.
Sharps has been in fine form recently, despite some sleepless nights since the recent birth of his third child - a daughter named Poppy.
Manzella says that the e-mails and calls went on for months and that after many sleepless nights, he decided to ask his supervisor for help.
Something tells me it will be worth all the sleepless nights.
The problem is scale-the result is sleepless nights and poor decisions.
By dwelling upon the irretrievable, we not only guarantee many sleepless nights, we also drain precious energy and focus away from the things we can remedy.
According to reports (Younglai and Spicer 2009), a surge in the dark pool volumes in U.S. markets is giving the Securities and Exchange Commission sleepless nights.
FORBES: Dark Pools: The Menace Of Rising Opacity In Financial Markets
Dido spent the next 18 months going through the same things as every other parent - sleepless nights, acid reflux, and a thorough grounding in CBeebies.