"There is an awful lot of money sloshing around football, and where you have a lot of money you can have a lot of crime, " says Matthew Johnson, head of legal regulation at the Football Association.
Even so, little of the money sloshing around really deserves to be called venture capital.
Private equity is going green, and that's not a wordplay on all the money sloshing around the sector.
Loans were based on collateral, and there was lots of spare money sloshing around, so sound management counted for little.
In other words, there will continue to be a lot of money sloshing about the world, looking for a home.
When times were good, there was enough money sloshing around to fuel equity markets (Hong Kong's strength) and foreign-exchange transactions (Singapore's forte).
First, thanks to the ECB, there's a lot more money sloshing around the European financial system than there was a few months ago.
This works when there is plenty of money sloshing around, but not when it is scarce and decisions need to be made fast.
"There is just so much money sloshing around and available for Internet businesses, " one guest told me conspiratorially as she quaffed her drink.
The idea is that with more money sloshing about the system, everyone should more have cash in their pocket and be happier to spend.
Leadership may come and go and its important to see money sloshing around this way and that, but if the financials must at least show up.
The argument was the same: the Fed had created all these excess reserves, which have caused the monetary base to rise dramatically, and with all this money sloshing around, inflation is inevitable.
FORBES: America, Be Thankful: Bernanke Critics' Prophecies Of Inflation Have Been Dead Wrong
Falk Strascheg, the founder of Technologieholding, worries that too much public money is sloshing about.
Money had a habit of sloshing around all these companies--and away from creditors, the suit alleges.
With all that cash sloshing around chasing growth, local Silicon Valley investors continue pumping money into unproven growth companies like AirBnB and Tumblr, among others.
We also noted that central bankers around the world, including those in China, had flooded the markets with money in response to the global financial crisis, and therefore concluded that the vast amount of liquidity sloshing around in the global economy would result in global inflation.