The slow speed of the Internet in Jinan is a persistent complaint around campus, he said.
Say just one car's stability-control system is activated at an unusually slow speed on a highway off-ramp.
CNN: Behold the?all-seeing, self-parking, safety-enforcing, networked car
However, due to its weight and slow speed the bombers suffered very high losses from German night fighters.
FORBES: Making Room for the Unseen in Tackling Complex Problems
Although regarded as a successful weapon, the aircraft's slow speed makes it vulnerable.
The continued slow speed of the economic recovery removes little doubt that the Federal Reserve will continue its bond-buying program (QE3).
FORBES: U.S. Growth Still Sluggish: 155,000 New Jobs In Dec., Unemployment Higher At 7.8%
For those reasons, ships are often designed to operate at a relatively slow speed of 15-20 knots, which inhibits their potential productivity.
One flashpoint was when Schumacher deliberately crashed his car at slow speed to stop the Spaniard snatching pole position for the Monaco Grand Prix.
The captain proceeded in the fjords at very slow speed, barely moving forward, by lowering an anchor from the bow to a depth greater than the hull of the ship.
Google might actually have the ability to help slow the speed of future nonexistent Neanderthal babies.
Then the gorillas disappear again into the woods, leading us on a slow-speed chase through the dense foliage for half an hour.
Some countries imposed transitional controls to slow the speed of movement.
On Wednesday morning, Ito will hear from attorneys on the admissibility of testimony regarding Simpson's flight from police on June 17, 1994, and the subsequent slow-speed Bronco chase.
The power station in the Vale already has five slow-speed engines and three gas turbines with which to produce electricity for the island - the oldest of which was installed about 35 years ago.
Since they were first made in 1995, Bose-Einstein condensates have become commonplace as experimental tools. (They are particularly valued for their ability to slow the speed of light all the way down to zero.) Dr Steinhauer and his colleagues created a condensate out of a gas of rubidium atoms held in a magnetic trap.
The Free Fighter includes four fully customizable macro buttons for quick access to combos, as well as two variable speed turbo buttons for fast, slow or user-created tap speed.
ENGADGET: Nyko Free Fighter joystick brings flexible controls, arcade flair to the PS3
Mr. Cannavale starts off slow but picks up speed fast, and by intermission he's throwing flames in all directions.
WSJ: The Sellout | The Big Knife | The Assembled Parties | Theater Reviews by Terry Teachout
Addressing members of the education committee, Adrian Arbuthnot explained that, although trends over the past six years showed improvements, there had been a slow down in the speed of change.
Boarding a vessel on the Nile is to peel back millennia and slow down to river speed as ancient temples, oxcarts and palm trees pass by, unaltered since Pharaohs ruled the roost.
Verizon initially said in a FAQ that it would slow users' access speed down to 256Kbps, "a little faster than typical dial-up speed" for up to three days - but later deleted the information from its site.
Internet speed is normally slow here, but in these critical times access is limited even more.
BBC: Iranians say how they'll mark anniversary of revolution
As a dietary supplement, it is thought to have antioxidant properties that speed healing and slow aging.
Where a non-Urfa driver might speed up or slow down, it seemed, an Urfa driver preferred simply to honk his horn.
Some people worry about slow deployment of high-speed broadband to U.S. consumers.
The report, however, says the brakes on Toyotas are powerful enough to stop a car even with wide-open throttle, or at least slow it to a safe speed.
FORBES: NASA Report Makes Life Tougher For Lawyers Suing Toyota
The difference with the Tonara app is that it actively listens to musician playing and the cursor follows the performer, even when they speed up, slow down, stop or make a mistake.
Burning 3, 785 liters of fuel an hour, they turn left and right and speed up and slow down as air traffic controllers on the ground try to arrange them like a conga line for their final approach to the runway.
Officials point to another poll finding that, of those who plan to vote in a referendum, 62% favour joining the EU. For this majority, the issue is whether the anti-corruption push will speed up or slow down Croatia's path to membership.