This week police raided a Nairobi slum and shot dead at least 22 suspects.
In the airport expansion plan, the government does not require approval from the slum dwellers.
It capitalizes wealth that was otherwise hidden under the dirty shacks of slum dwellers.
Darin Gunesekera developed a stock market instrument based financing for slum rehousing called the SREIT.
Dr. Darin Gunesekera developed a stock market instrument based financing for slum rehousing called the SREIT.
"If the youth are not involved in the (slum) upgrading process, it won't happen, " Boniface says.
Gunfire could be heard in the nearby Kibera slum, an opposition stronghold and notorious flashpoint.
The sprawling Shiite slum in northern Baghdad, Sadr City, is named for Muqtada's father.
Many slum dwellers are also squatters, claiming tenuous rights to the land on which they live.
And that number is predicted to more than double to reach 2 billion slum-dwellers by 2020.
Until last year, the area was still classified by city authorities as an illegal slum.
Crime in the Cape Flats, a Coloured (mixed-race) slum, has exploded in the past few years.
Energetic slum clearance and background gun battles turned his marginal constituency into a personal fief.
The dead were mainly from one of Nairobi's notorious trouble spots, the sprawling Kibera slum.
For Riis, the slum's biggest problem wasn't population density, lack of sunlight or even disease.
Webster hopes to build a permanent clinic in Belen, a slum on the outskirts of Iquitos.
Within Bangkok's Klong Toey slum, there is one area relatively free of stinking refuse.
In Luanda, slum-dwellers complain that forced recruitment, a regular practice during the war, has started again.
The economic and the social structure of the slum does not depend on these types of gangs.
Much of Nairobi was quiet and deserted Wednesday, though clashes continued in the city's giant Mathare slum.
When the university conducted social research in a Hizbullah-controlled Beirut slum, Hizbullah was helpful rather than hostile.
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In Kibera, the country's largest slum, shops remained shut and there were small groups of protesters gathering.
Most slum dwellers rely on diesel generators or an inverter a battery that users charge on the grid.
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But we can see the usual operation of commercial market economies on the issue of slum land.
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The grave of Mr Godwin's elder sister, shot dead in the independence war, becomes a slum-dwellers' toilet.
The protagonist in the movie is a member of India's most disenfranchised class--that of the urban slum-dweller.
According to the UN, Addis has one of the higher densities of slum dwellers in the world.
Thanks to him, she says, her ramshackle slum of Ojo de Agua receives free healthcare and subsidized groceries.
This particular block is a slum, one where we can see urban decay take place in real time.
Nor within reach of a taxpayer who had seen and realised they had paid for said vertical slum.
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