The classic definition of celiac disease includes atrophy of parts of the small bowel as seen on biopsy.
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The pancreas is an organ in the mid-abdomen that secretes digestive fluids through the pancreatic duct into the small bowel.
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Each donor has the potential to help nine people through donation of a heart, lungs, two kidneys, pancreas, liver and small bowel and two corneas.
BBC: Health reporter, BBC News
The most common cause of pancreatitis is gallstone obstruction of the duct leading from the pancreas to the small bowel, causing the fluids to back up into the pancreas.
CNN: What could be causing my pancreatitis?
The biopsies can be done through an endoscopy, in which a fiber-optic tube is placed in the mouth and down into the small bowel or through some even less invasive procedures.
CNN: Does eating gluten cause eczema?
Down the hall are some of the sickest patients in the 16-hospital system, people recovering from liver, small-bowel and pancreas transplants.
FORBES: The Man Who WouldSave Health Care
"So this is very good news for the field, " he said, noting the number of patients who have had successful bowel transplants is very small because of difficulty in achieving stable, long-term acceptance of that organ.
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