She was testy with Ed, and small wonder, but she refused to give up.
Small wonder that Japanese carriers are desperate to increase their appeal by linking up.
Small wonder that there have been complaints that these domestic responses amount to anti-competitive behaviour.
Small wonder that few of them stick around to see the rewards of their labor.
Small wonder Estrada was desperate to find a way to keep the service airborne.
Small wonder that its mayor, Alexander Korsunov, was re-elected last year with almost 80% of the vote.
Small wonder that Angola's young, especially in the emerging middle class, have begun to take to the streets.
Small wonder that the number of international migrants has doubled in the past quarter-century, to more than 200m.
Small wonder the company's stock is off 32% from its highs in March.
Small wonder that investment banks have cut bonuses and jobs with equal savagery.
Small wonder voters have been turning in frustration to the outsider Mr. Grillo.
Small wonder that support for these laws breaks almost exactly along party lines.
Small wonder, then, that the Chinese spend more in the shop than any other group of foreign visitors do.
Small wonder that the company is also rumoured to have developed a web device as proof of its concept.
Small wonder, then, that 85 percent of executives surveyed by Bain were dissatisfied with the effectiveness of their companies meetings.
So it is small wonder, as a leak revealed this week, that the government is thinking of scaling back disability benefits.
Small wonder that corporate profits in Australia grew by 15% last year and are expected to grow by 16% this year.
Small wonder that women who are good enough with numbers to consider going to business school frequently decide not to apply.
Small wonder that it has had a hard time coping, particularly in such technophile cities as New York and San Francisco.
Small wonder, then, that the strategy houses are vying for that work.
Small wonder the government has vowed to defend it at all costs.
Small wonder that most economic indicators (though oddly not one of the two official indicators) suggest that deflation in Japan is easing.
Small wonder that Mrs May did her level linguistic best this week to demote a time-dated political promise to an open-ended aim.
Small wonder that Mr Summers's official comments in Prague were cautiously worded.
Small wonder that its 35 covers are fully booked so far ahead, though I suspect a larger space will materialize before much longer.
WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: Why Dabbous Is London's Hottest Hot Spot
Small wonder that the EU's Big Four (Germany, France, Italy and Spain), which account for 85% of its GDP, can't get their economies humming.
Small wonder that the major companies spend millions of dollars in legal fights to keep generic versions of their biggest drugs off the market.
Small wonder that analysts are easily manipulated into groupthink, guided by conference calls and investor relations people, rarely stepping out of the earnings consensus.
Small wonder: Over 2007's first nine months sales and earnings doubled.