In theory measles could be eradicated - like smallpox it has no animal host.
There is a new way to make smallpox vaccine that is fast and cheap.
Some 150, 000 people across India eventually labored to find and inoculate people against smallpox.
The first symptoms of smallpox usually appear 12 to 14 days after you're infected.
The woman concerned, who later died, was seen by three GPs who didn't diagnose smallpox.
The WHA will meet again this coming May, and smallpox will be on the agenda.
In the U.S., the smallpox virus is kept at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.
Dr Henderson says that two familiar microbes, smallpox and anthrax, are the most formidable threats.
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One thing everyone wants to avoid, though, is what happened after smallpox was eliminated.
ECONOMIST: Can a businessmen��s club eradicate polio from the world?
Like polio, smallpox was a viral disease for which effective, easily administered vaccines existed.
ECONOMIST: Can a businessmen��s club eradicate polio from the world?
First, unlike smallpox, polio viruses can survive for long periods outside a host for instance in sewage.
ECONOMIST: Can a businessmen��s club eradicate polio from the world?
It should have been obvious to even casual observers that the smallpox vaccine was a lifesaver.
The smallpox vaccine literally was the difference between life and death back in the early 1900s.
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Because Europeans came late to the Arctic, the Inuit got rights, not smallpox-infected blankets.
Our vulnerability to incalculably destructive smallpox attacks is a manifestation of the sorry state of American preparedness.
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Smallpox has killed 500 million people this century alone, making it the deadliest disease known to man.
"We will have enough does to ensure that every American will have a smallpox vaccine available, " Thompson said.
But an outbreak cannot happen if we destroy the smallpox that the U.S. and Russia are still holding.
The eradication of smallpox was possibly the greatest victory of science over disease in the history of mankind.
Smallpox might even be introduced if one could find a volunteer willing to infect him or herself first.
The United States stopped vaccinating people in 1972, and about 90% of the population now lacks smallpox immunity.
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Under the plan, only those people who came in close contact with someone who contracted smallpox would be vaccinated.
One day the guru told him that his mission was to eradicate smallpox.
For the effort against smallpox, IBM is contributing a fleet of its eServer p690s running its DB2 database software.
Gates wants to wipe the remaining polio cases off the planet in the same way that smallpox was eliminated.
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Smallpox is highly contagious once a victim breaks out in the characteristic rash.
You can order the CDC to destroy their stocks of smallpox, and eliminate this unnecessary risk from the planet.
Age 2: Encounters smallpox and recovers unlike thousands in same neighborhood who died.
During the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, you see, a smallpox epidemic had swept through Europe killing millions of citizens.
The inspiration for Rotary's campaign against polio came from the eradication of smallpox.
ECONOMIST: Can a businessmen��s club eradicate polio from the world?