Right now, he's a little shaky but he has a big smile on his face.
The smile on her face was unbelievable, she was just a lovely little girl, my baby.
"There's no reason not to have a smile on your face at this moment, " Anthony said.
He is here with a smile on his face and he will do his best.
No wonder firms that send you away with a smile on your face are so rare.
Whether the gods will smile on their newly remade friendship effort remains to be seen.
He went out fishing and he came back with a big smile on his face.
It needs more than money and marketing and a fetching smile on a screen.
He looked almost imploringly at the jury, with a wan, sort of half-smile on his face.
All we want to do is put a smile on someone's face on the way to work.
Another trick for the TV camera: keep a slight smile on your face WHILE you are talking.
He received visitors at the table during the entire meal, always with a smile on his face.
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Next, ask to speak to a supervisor and repeat your request with a smile on your face.
Clark greeted me at her door with a smile on Saturday morning, wearing pearl earrings and red glasses.
Christ also has a strange, melancholic smile on his face, perhaps unique in all paintings of the deposition.
WSJ: Il Rosso Fiorentino | Deposition | A Maelstrom of Grief | Masterpiece by Peter Plagens
That little person has put a smile on her face, even when there wasn't much to smile about.
Carla Devade appears, wearing tight corduroy trousers, flat shoes, and a disconsolate smile on her pretty Mediterranean face.
You have to be at your best, with a smile on your face, looking to the future to survive.
She was very hard-working and always had a huge smile on her face.
Enjoy shopping at the mall with your favorite warm drink, a smile on your face and spread holiday joy.
On the blocks I have a smile on my face, I'm not that serious any more, I'm racing more relaxed.
We stop and look around, and coming up quickly from behind us was Mary with a big smile on her face.
"When anyone -- from children to adults -- sees the car, it puts a smile on their face, " Shamsundar told CNN.
He's a bubbly character around the place, he's always got a smile on his face and we're delighted to have him.
By contrast, the senator penned notes rapidly and jauntily, mostly with a smile on his face, when the president was speaking.
But fortune did smile on swashbuckling amateur jockey Sam Waley-Cohen, who finished a creditable fourth on Oscar Time, the runner-up in 2011.
No offense, sons, but -- (laughter) -- I'm just saying, when you've got wonderful daughters it puts a smile on your face.
These people always seem to have a contented smile on their faces.