Asked about the action that followed his posting, Due Diligence replied with a seeming smirk.
The comic actor suppresses his smirk and his devilish stare and stays within character.
This struggle to find buy-in for mental health needs makes Liz McCartney smirk and shake her head in exasperation.
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That alone might seem quite enough to wipe the smirk off the face of even the keenest would-be foreign minister.
ECONOMIST: Joschka Fischer, Germany’s reluctant statesman | The
Maybe it was your smirk as you pushed the revolving door, but either your old employer or new one got suspicious.
It took only a smirk between Mrs Merkel and the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, to doom Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi.
"Part of the joy of this whole series is that it's about vampires, " Ball says with a smirk later in the day.
It is time to begin pondering these and other questions as Silly Season begins, even if only reluctantly and with a knowing half-smirk.
His straight-face turns to a smirk as the two are picked off the train by a hook that catches the chains that tie them together.
They smirk with glee when a colleague makes a bad presentation or loses a key deal, because they think that will help their own careers.
This news is met with bewilderment and the occasional smirk.
Casually leaning back in his chair and sporting a permanent smirk, Blankfein avoided answering every question directly, choosing instead to use a generous amount of jargon and generic platitudes.
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After throwing the camera a knowing smirk on the final "Beautiful girls...." Rachel assured the judges in an eye-rollingly scripted conversation that of course she had been aiming the song toward Paula and Simon's voodoo doll Nicole.
There's a lot of faulty wiring this time round, technology that seems as flawed as its inventor, but if his problems are largely of his own making Tony remains supremely unfazed, always primed with a quip and a smirk.
Then his eyes -- those baby blues -- light up with a droll smirk and he mentions to his audience that he just heard on the news that there's been "another shooting" in the States (this one in Alabama).
His mouth curls at the right corner, thick eyebrows go their own way, and this casts his face in perpetual smirk, so that every woman who has ever been involved with him eventually arrives at the same expression, hands on hips, head cocked: Please.
While Obama was talking, Romney more frequently had an openness in his visage, often with a slight smile on his face and very soft eye contact. (Some may view the smile as a smirk, but that is the confirmation bias at play.) I noticed this frequently in the Republican presidential debates.