The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service said the flat did not have a working smoke alarm.
The celebs who join the Smoke Alarm feed will also post the alerts on their Facebook pages.
While not necessarily proof there is a problem, they are a "smoke alarm" suggesting there could be.
In many cases the deceased has been unable to react to the smoke alarm due to drink, drugs, medication or medical infirmity.
Describing the night of the fire, he said he and his wife had been woken up by the downstairs smoke alarm.
He said that an increasing number of fatal fires happened in houses where the smoke alarm did not work, or where no smoke alarm was fitted.
This does not mean services are performing poorly, but instead the findings act as more of a "smoke alarm", suggesting something could be going wrong.
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Minutes after she left her bedroom on the lower level and went upstairs, the smoke alarm went off and she saw "thick black smoke" coming from downstairs.
Christopher Roberts was in his bath when he heard the smoke alarm from Hughes's home, heard screaming, and saw flames in the upstairs window, the court was told.
BBC: Judge Merfyn Hughes praise for fire rescuers at Pwllheli
Airport staff found traces of cigarette ash in the toilet at Gate 34 and discovered the smoke alarm had been stuffed with toilet paper in a failed attempt to disarm it.
The first Smoke Alarm will be sent out near the end of this year, most likely targeted at helping raise money to bring clean water to communities in need, he said.
Divisional Officer Jim Boyd of the Northern Ireland Fire Service, who was at the scene, said the elderly couple did have an electric powered smoke alarm but it was turned off.
When an urgent need is identified, Robinson will send out a "Smoke Alarm" tweet that will be retweeted to the millions of Twitter followers of the celebrities who join his "Cause Swarm" group.
His "Smoke Alarm" system should be "far more effective" than organizing a telethon or charity concert because it is so much faster than physically getting artists together to raise awareness, Robinson said Thursday.
The fire service says candles, cigarettes, objects left to close too fires, pans over heating and a high number of student houses with no smoke alarm - or no battery in the alarm - are often to blame for fire outbreaks.
Two recent incidents -- a fire aboard a Japan Airlines aircraft at Boston's Logan International Airport on January 7 and a smoke alarm aboard a plane flying over Japan on January 16 -- prompted the FAA to ground all Dreamliners in the United States, and other nations quickly followed suit.
Two recent incidents -- a fire aboard the Japan Airlines aircraft in Boston's Logan International Airport on January 7, and a smoke alarm aboard a plane flying over Japan on January 16 -- prompted the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ground all Dreamliners in the United States, and other nations across the globe quickly followed suit.
Those on board reported a burning smell in the cabin, and an alarm indicated smoke in a forward electrical compartment.
Some of the 129 people aboard reported a burning smell in the cabin, and an alarm indicated smoke in an electrical compartment.
Prosecuting, Martin Yale said Ashcroft told police he travelled around Britain by train, setting fires in buildings which had smoke detectors so the alarm would be raised quickly.
Neighbours had raised the alarm after spotting smoke coming from the house in Avontoun Crescent in Whitecross at about 09.20 on Thursday.
Blowing cigarette smoke determines the positions of otherwise invisible alarm-triggering laser beams, and a handy radar shows the positions of nearby guards, and the direction they are looking in.
Failings included the lack of an "L2" alarm system, which features loud fire and smoke alarms in every room.
Older alarm devices and panels are prone to failure and life-safety sensors such as smoke and carbon monoxide detectors must be periodically replaced to work reliably.
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