However, Apple has struggled to adapt to 3G, releasing new software last month to help smooth things out.
Mr Brown would spend his visit trying to "smooth things over" with his party's biggest political backers, he added.
It says Tokyo was just "trying to smooth things over" by insisting that the Post had misquoted Mr Abe last week.
If you've experienced some rebooting issues with your handset, it's likely that the unspecified grab bag of "other improvements" includes a few welcome bug fixes to smooth things over.
ENGADGET: T-Mobile HTC 8X gets Windows Phone 8 update packing text messaging and WiFi tweaks
If unresponsiveness in Cadillac's CUE infotainment system has been a personal point of frustration, relief is on the way: an update to smooth things over is being worked on.
ENGADGET: Cadillac to update CUE infotainment system for improved responsiveness
Hedging can smooth things a bit.
FORBES: ADM Should Pop Again If Lawmakers Renew Ethanol Producer Tax Credits
If this theory of race is correct (and more research is certainly needed), it indicates a strong prescription: policies that encourage groups to retain their identity within a society will cause trouble, but those that encourage cultural integration will smooth things over.
And I think one of the things that I kept seeing the longer I was there was that there was this sense of entitlement that was bolstered by what we called helicopter parents - that were always there to smooth things over, to make excuses, to pass the buck.
You can smooth a lot of things over by making amends quickly.
FORBES: Shelter Your Portfolio In Consumer Staples With Food, Clothing And Stellar Returns
If only things were as smooth for U.S. undersecretary of state Thomas Pickering, who met with Chinese Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan three days later on June 16.
"With the high resolution Mars Orbiter Camera images, things that look smooth at low resolution appear very rough from high resolution and vice versa, " said David Spencer, mission manager for the Mars 2001 mission.
Though a rousing success story today, things were not so smooth at the beginning.
FORBES: STAR Bonds, Location Make Livestrong Sporting Park a Star Among U.S. Soccer Stadiums
And while we recognize that our recovery is still in its early stages and that there are going to be ups and downs in the months ahead -- things never go completely in a smooth line -- this report is a sign that our economy is getting stronger by the day.
The need to maintain smooth returns also tempts managers to resort to fraud when things go wrong.
ECONOMIST: Smooth returns can be a sign of danger for investors
Among other things, schemes may be allowed to "smooth" the calculation they make of their assets and liabilities during scheme valuations this year, or later.
Things up above were pure and shining and smooth, and were held aloft, like the ladies in the Renaissance romances, by the conceited self-knowledge of their perfection.
While the Internet looks pretty smooth, the storage, computer and telecommunication standards on which things operate are almost as different as a canal is from a superhighway.
As you can see in the video below, those modest internals are enough to output smooth 1080p video, which means this setup should suffice for basic things like email, web surfing and YouTube.
ENGADGET: AMD shows off LiveBox mini desktop based on one of its Fusion chips (video)
The voicing is expectedly on the slightly muddy side of things with a very narrow soundstage, but the tonality is mostly smooth (read: not extremely harsh or fatiguing).
"There's a perception that after adolescence, it's smooth sailing -- that if we just get adolescents through their adolescent years, things get better and easier, " Callahan said.
CNN: CDC: 'Young invincibles' have significant health concerns