Recent high winds had caused smoke to billow from the smouldering fire, causing concern for residents.
Recent high winds have caused smoke to billow from the smouldering fire, causing concern from residents.
And yet again British Columbia is smouldering with grievance, and not just against its American competitors.
The roof has collapsed, the windows are smashed, and the rubble is still smouldering.
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Faeces are dried slowly within the toilet before being fed into a smouldering sand-filled reactor.
The fire at Wood Recycling Services (WRS) in Potters Crouch, which began last November, is still smouldering.
Sniffer dogs were being used to search the smouldering wreckage for any human remains, city officials said.
In the past 18 months, smouldering tensions have blazed into occasional violence, directed mostly against forestry companies.
They discovered lagging in the loft space was smouldering, where a heater had been placed to defrost pipes.
Once alight, the smouldering fire spreads slowly through the peat and can cause the ground above to collapse.
Downing Street therefore feared that with his forensic skills and inside knowledge he might re-ignite the smouldering rebellion.
Second-hand smoke from a smouldering cigarette is far more noxious than the nicotine-infused fumes inhaled by the smoker.
"I loved him, I thought he was smouldering, less is more, " she said.
Some that were still falling to the ground and some still smouldering.
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service said they would soon be mounting an "intensive operation" to extinguish the remaining piles of smouldering compost.
But none of them ever made anything half as revolting as Mr. Hirst's 1996 "Crematorium, " a 2.4-meter-diameter giant ashtray, filled with smouldering cigarette butts.
WSJ: Review: Art and Showmanship | 'Damien Hirst' at Tate Modern in London
"It could very well have set the barn and its contents of hay and straw on fire as the lantern was still smouldering, " he said.
It pours petrol (gas) on an argument smouldering in Republican ranks.
That one factory that was now a pile of smouldering rubble.
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But a match that had merely been smouldering then took flame, Gloucester's Qera providing the spark when he crashed over from close range following a break from Robinson.
The emergency services attended and damped-down the smouldering train.
To add to Mr Franco's smouldering resentment, his quixotic effort to run for the presidency against Mr Cardoso last year was squashed by government supporters in his catch-all Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement.
As firefighters in Eber worked into the night to put out blazes still smouldering beneath the rubble, men stood round fires to keep warm, while women, children and the elderly packed into cars covered with blankets.
And a portrait of Gordon Brown, first published in January, which revealed the chancellor's smouldering resentment at the way Tony Blair shouldered him aside in the race for the party leadership in 1994, is to be reissued next week with added vitriol.
The 20-mile-long drive, which is double the distance of the most direct route, passed by broken down homes, downed power lines, a smouldering mall which had been on fire for hours, nearly empty streets, and once in Algiers, a half-hour later, this strange sight.