The authors, all supporters of the green movement, were strong on contempt and sneering, but weak on substance.
There is of course a certain amount of Anglo-type sneering at the size and layout of the house.
The sneering broadsides published against Palin by leading American Jewish writers are legion.
First he alienated French-speaking Quebeckers, for whom preserving their culture is important, by sneering at artists who receive government grants.
The idea of experimental evidence is not quite as new to the social sciences as sneering natural scientists might believe.
After all, during the boom, free market liberals did permit themselves the odd bit of sneering at regulation-mad countries like France.
But snickers and sneering are common with any new, really expensive technology.
" "She is one of those rare writers who manages to mock without sneering, to be simultaneously caustic and loving with her creations.
But his body language, specifically his face, is angry and sneering.
FORBES: What Happens When Your Words And Your Body Language Don't Match?
But like the Irish or the Poles, you don't give up your faith in the face of sneering, front-running fans from Dallas, New York and Washington.
WSJ: Chip Kelly: Torn Between Two Birds��Oregon Ducks, Philadelphia Eagles
Bindler's 1997 film documentary of the same name, "Hands on a Hardbody" never makes the mistake of sneering at its characters and their unpretentious hopes and dreams.
This display of apparent naivety, together with the article's condescending, sneering style suggests that Naomi Klein is not the only one with some growing up to do.
Walking to the main chapel, Hopkins heard a sneering wind outside and he thought of it as sea-roaring Deutschland weather, carried there as if by the Royal Mail.
Though Ms Wullschlager is fair and never sneering about his painting after he left Russia for ever in 1922, she is firm that his art was never as good again.
Crossover vehicles that look as if they would be great off-road, even though some of them actually lack the basic capabilities to do so, have been dubbed "faux-by-fours" by sneering off-road enthusiasts.
"Now that Starbucks has stepped up to the plate and announced they are going to be making this payment I think rather than everybody sneering at them, people should welcome that, " he said.
His capsule judgments are sometimes apt, sometimes sneering.
As the fictional Penn-Herzog project heads into disaster, there are a few laughs, but most of the time we watch as Penn, unattractive and sneering, plays the heavy while the poor, distracted Herzog methodically exploits and destroys his reputation.